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Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
i dunno but does any1 know something about if there is somewhere thunder yellow ore got it? ore maybe it whas a joke ? anyone know's something about it?? ore maybe aswel water blue?

all suggest welcome!
sounds like a decent name, but there would be no point in making it, it would be another fire red leaf green game, soon, they'll probably make a remake of silver and gold in the diamond and pearl 3D graphics, now thats gonna be wicked, the names could be suttin like shiny silver and *something* gold
NO there is no thunder yellow there are just a lot of sppf members who would like one made as well as remakes of GSC. In my opinion its not going to happen though if they did make a 3rd one i think its name would be associated with blue or water because the names FR/LG come from the types of the starter pokemon ;123;


Thunder Trainer
There's not going to be one. If they even make another remake, it's going to be G/S.

And Thunder doesn't have a color. It would be Lightning Yellow if such a game were to happen.

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
It was a joke XD


Well-Known Member
No 'Thunder yellow is not catchy
how about
Aqua blue?


I like pie.
firered and leafgreen are the only red/blue/yellow remakes. there is no such thing as thunderyellow, aquablue, skyblue, or whatever rearangement of colour and object. they may be the name of a rom, but firered/leafgreen are the only nintendo/gamefreak games for the gameboy advance.


Well-Known Member
they need to remark G/S for the DS or the Game Boy. If they do make a remark of Pokemon RBY they need to put something that FR and GL don't have.
Gold and Silver remake would be cool exploring Johto all over again and then getting the train from Goldenrod to Saffron and exploring Hoenn again. The cross-reigon traveling was my favourite in Gold and Silver.

char char

Professional Shut-In
they were going to have waterblue aquablue oceanblue or rainblue but changed it to leaf green instead and i have a felling that there is going to be a remake for g/s/c ;004; :)


My 1st shiny ever
Yeah, Thunderyellow is nothing more than a joke. I'm dying for GSC remakeS!!!!!!!