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FireRed Team Help


Belly Drum
Charizard@Salac Berry
Jolly: 252 Att, 124 Spd, 132 HP
Belly Drum
Rock Slide
Fire Blast

Impish: 150HP, 252 Def, 108 Att
Sludge Bomb
Shadow Ball
Pain Split

UU NidoKing?
Jolly: 188 Att, 252 Spd, 68 Sp Att
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam

Exeggutor@Lum Berry
Modest: 50 HP, 208 Spd, 252 Sp Att
Sunny Day
Sleep Powder

Dragonite@Choice Band
Quiet: 200 Att, 200 Sp Att, 110 HP
Focus Punch
Ice Beam

Careful: 140 Sp Def, 136 Def, 176 Att, 58 HP

Any help would be appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Nidoking shouldn't be Subpunching. Megahorn>Substitute and Shadow Ball/Ice Beam>Focus Punch @ Choice Band or Thunderbolt/Ice Beam with a Lonely nature.

Dragonite is fine I guess but Ice Beam>Surf. It is an ingame set only, otherwise the Mixed Dragonite completely outclasses it.

Curse and Earthquake>Toxic and Protect with a Careful nature.

Some of the EV spreads are meh, but I'll let someone else fix them.


Jonathan Davis
Why would you have a choice band on your Pidgeot if he has Featherdance?


I won't give up!
Overheat / Fire Blast > Aerial Ace on Charizard.


Well-Known Member
Toxic for that matter, too. I missed that. X______X



Toxicstalling isn’t really a great strategy and it’s a real waste on Snorlax.

Aerial Ace/Return/Steel Wing/Quick Attack for Pidgeot. But Dodrio is better.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
God, those EVs are terrible. No offense, but they just won't cut it.

Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Fire Blast

If you really want to use Flamethrower use Lonely instead of Adamant. I prefer SD over DD for Charizard's statup move. Bellydrumming doesn't work too well ingame.

Pidgeot@Choice Band
Jolly Nature
- Aerial Ace
- Steel Wing
- Return
- Quick Attack

Nidoking@Choice Band
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Sludge Bomb
- Megahorn
- Shadow Ball / Rock Slide

Quiet Nature
- T-Bolt / Flamethrower
- Ice Beam / Dragon Claw
- Sub
- Focus Punch

BoltBeam or FlameClaw, take your pick.

Careful Nature
- Curse
- Return
- Earthquake / Shadow Ball
- Rest

Earthquake is the prefered choice since steels are more common ingame than ghosts.

Two Choice Banders and four physical sweepers? Here's the truth: your team gets walled completely by any physical wall. Period. Bulky waters like Swampert and Suicune can really mess up your team as well.


Thanks for all the advice!

Ok i've made some changes to nature and moveset.

I also made changes to the EV's. Although i really didn't get much help on it.

I'm not sure what to do with my Crobat so I've left it how it is and hopefully get some help on it.

Any feedback would be welcomed.
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Snorlax doesn’t need that much Sp. Def.
EVs: 56 HP / 176 Atk / 136 Def / 140 SDef

Crobat should be a CBer with Steel Wing over Haze. Adamant is better in-game.


hmm... i've got a problem where by I've got 3 pokemon with EarthQuake and they can only learn it through TM but there is only 1 in-game. Same thing goes for Return, Steel Wing and Aerial Ace.

How can i overcome this problem?



If Pidgeot is male, you can breed with a female Zubat to get a Zubat with Steel Wing and Aerial Ace.

In Emerald, You can find Earthquake TMs at random if you raise a Pokémon with Pickup to Lv. 91+ and go around hoping to pickup the TM. Very rare though.
You can also duplicate items in Emerald using the cloning glitch.

In FR/LG, just breed.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Needs more special presence in your team. A good special sweeper like Starmie or Gardevoir could do wonders for your team.


There's no Staryu/Ralts in FR. I have a DS not a GBA so i cannot trade with other versions :/

Any reccomendations on other Special Sweeper and how do you think i should replace with it?

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Exeggutor's a good special sweeper, so is Alakazam. Lapras gets a mention as well. Since you're somewhat weak to rock attacks I'd suggest you take out Crobat and Pidgeot and get a physical wall. Skarmory and Weezing make good physical walls.

So your final team should look something like this.

- Charizard
- Nidoking
- Dragonite
- Snorlax
- Weezing
- Exeggutor

Impish / Relaxed Nature
- Will-o-Wisp
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Ball / Fire Blast
- Pain Split / Rest

Shadow Ball is there to counter ghosts, NOT psychics. Don't even try. Fire Blast is for Steels. Both Pain Split and Will-o-Wisp are egg moves BTW.

Modest Nature
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed / Psychic

The best Sunnybeamer in Advance. Psychic works better ingame, but it's your choice.


Well-Known Member
I'm still not sure about this team. I think a good bulky water over nido would work. Vaporeon is good if you only have Fire Red. Wish support is always fun too.

Vaporeon@ Leftovers
Bold Nature

Ice Beam/Toxic

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
He doesn't have anything to trade with. Hence no Smeargle = no Wish.


Ok. I've made the changes thanks Frost Nova. I changed Leftovers from Exeggcutor to Lum Berry. I believe there are only 2 leftovers in the game. I already have 3 poke's with it in my team. What should i replace with it for the extra one and on who?

I managed to figure out how to make Charizard, NidoKing and Snorlax all receive Earthquake with just 1 TM :) Thanks to them all being in the Monster Egg Group :D but it'll be tricky to accomplish with the correct nature and awesome IV's :/

With the egg moves on Weezing being Will-o-wisp and Pain Split does that mean two koffings breeding will result in a koffing knowing both moves? Sorry for the n00b question. I'm kinda new to this whole breeding thing.

I added EV's to Weezing and Exeggcutor, do they seem ok with you?

Ludicolo Kid, I have other versions of pokemon but can't trade due to not having a GBA :( I'm using a DS. Too bad it doesn't take advantage of the wireless adapter. But hey, Bring on D/P :D

Any response would be great. Thanks.
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