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What do you think of this idea?

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Fire works pokemon. Pokemon as Fire works! It's not hard at all but hey, they look good!
Comments, CC all that junk..


Well-Known Member
Nice idea, although they look more like outlines against a blackboard than fireworks. Why don't you try making the "sky" look more natural and make the outlines more dotty and glowing so that it looks more like fireworks? ^^


Yeah, that might work out much better...I made an Example that you might want to copy from (i took ratiasu's idea, except I made it before they posted and just made it look more dotty, lol).

(if you want me to, i'll remove the link to my example from your post, k?) Just outlines doesn't look too professional though...


Well-Known Member
Hey Eric, chill, and instead of just flat out insulting someone, tell them HOW to improve. Sarcasm ain't gonna help.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
It's a neat idea, just try to make it look like it's more of the night sky and actual fireworks. Other than that, neat idea~ ^^

Eric said:
Congrats, you just rid the inside colors and set the outline on a black service. That's ****ing awesome...

Oh and if you didn't realize, that sarcasm.

That was unnecessary. The Arbiter♥ asked for comments, not flaming. >_< It would've been different had you actually helped them try to make it better.
Thank you Ratiasu, I was going to say that. I'll try rework Cuno and the others


Ok, how about this, instead of just leaving outline of something and putting it in front of black, try making it look more like fireworks. Try what Dawnstar did, it looks like fireworks.
Also, instead of just using the sprite the game gives you, try making your own poses for the sprites you want to make fireworks. It would look a lot better.


Well-Known Member
And be sure to get rid of the Articuno eyes. Fireworks don't has filled-in colors. XP
Ratiasu said:
And be sure to get rid of the Articuno eyes. Fireworks don't has filled-in colors. XP
Thanks. I've just made a Starry back ground for it. Here it is.. http://*******.com/idgfgk.png I don't know if the stars are good enough though?

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
That looks fine. Maybe the stars could be a bit bigger though on a larger background, unless that's only for one pokemon at a time.
Mimori Kiryu said:
That looks fine. Maybe the stars could be a bit bigger though on a larger background, unless that's only for one pokemon at a time.
It's for one. I still can't work out how to do the dots though, for the pokemon.