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First and second photoshop



Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
To be honest they are bad. You need work but youll get better if you keep practicing

The Edge

Okay, i'm not trying to be funny or rude, but the first one...literally made my eyes water. It's hideous. :(
Second, not much better...the head is shaped wrong, and it's out of proportion, the smoke looks odd, and the outline is sloppy and too thick.
Just...practise some more, i guess. A lot more.


Okay, i'm not trying to be funny or rude, but the first one...literally made my eyes water. It's hideous. :(
Second, not much better...the head is shaped wrong, and it's out of proportion, the smoke looks odd, and the outline is sloppy and too thick.
Just...practise some more, i guess. A lot more.

Thank you, I don't really like the 2nd one either.

Edit: I've fixed the outlione. Click here too see it.
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Natsu no Maboroshi
Old Magby is fun, but you can do it better.