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First Anime Style Drawing


Me>U >_>

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I did the above in about 5 min, after I saw a tutorial on the internet.

Pearl Manyula

Well-Known Member
It looks okay, just one question... How is that anime?


Salingerian Phony
Looks more like concept art for a character in an American 3-D CGI movie, in my opinion. You know, stuff like Monster House or Everybody's Hero. That doesn't mean it's bad, by the way. It just means that the tutorial you followed isn't a very good one. I want to see it.

Also, anime is not a style.

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
I'd say the tutorial was either a really bad one, or you haven't followed it properly.

The first thing you need to work out when drawing manga is the face proportions, eyes are always in the middle of the skull, ears are always next to the eyes etc. etc. I mean, it's incredibly incorrect proportion wise, the eyes aren't even in line with each other.
He's also either missing an ear, or the little bump near his nose is the other one, if so, ears are adjacent to each other o_____o

Tip The Waitress

Nooo! I'm too young!
Dude, wtf is that thing? a potato with a face? Screw tutorials man all you need is to watch tons of anime and pick on figure and all that.