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Fit To Be Tide! (087)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Fit To Be Tide!

With his new friends, Tracey & Lapras in tow, they ride Lapras around the Orange Islands on the gym Challenge. Arriving at Maikan Island, Ash finds the first gym, but when he finds out that they arent battle orientated...Ash finds himself out of his league...can he win the Shooting Contests and the Surfing Contest to get the Coral Eye Badge?

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Factory Head Noland

This was a great Gym, the first time I saw this episode I was like "Huh? Where's the battling? It's a Gym right?" but I really enjoyed watching this episode so much, it's one my favourites.
I thought it was great thinking of Ash to tell Lapras to use Ice Beam to slide to the end, lol!
Is this episode part of Season 2?


Well, since the Orange League is Season 2, yes this is part of Season 2

Factory Head Noland

Aren't the Orange Islands Series 2? (not season)

I know that season 1 ends at "The Breeding Centre Secret" because Toonami bought season 2, I'm just hoping that they bought the Orange Island!!

Ororo Munroe

Cissy's gym is cool. The way Ash had to earn badges from her was great. This was a good episode.

Crystal Latios

I like this episode. Cissy is so cheeky =P Also, Tracey really likes her.
Also, battle bewteen her and Ash was great. Finally something different.

Factory Head Noland

I saw this episode today and it definatly still is one of my favourites!
Squirtle was very good at knocking the cans down with it's Water Gun.
I just love the Wave Race, it was genius of Ash to tell Lapras to use Ice Beam to slide to the end of the race!
It was strange to have only 2 rounds though, usually it's 3 (incase each person wins a round).


Battle Factory Champion
Pokemonisgr8 said:
I saw this episode today and it definatly still is one of my favourites!
Squirtle was very good at knocking the cans down with it's Water Gun.
I just love the Wave Race, it was genius of Ash to tell Lapras to use Ice Beam to slide to the end of the race!
It was strange to have only 2 rounds though, usually it's 3 (incase each person wins a round).

There was three rounds, the can-shooting, the disc-shooting, and then the wave race. The only reason why the wave race occured was because both Squirtle and Seadra hit the disc at the same time, and neither lost the can-shooting contest.

Great excitement, I prefer the matches with Rudy and Danny, but nonetheless still good.


Team Awesome
This is probably the least interesting of all of Ash's gym battles, mostly because it seems a little odd that normally one or two little battles determines the winner, and the two pokemon don't even battle each other. At least the race on the pokemons' backs was exciting, but still I think Sissy could have a much more challenging gym. Heck, me and my pellipers on my Ruby and Sapphire games could beat her with both arms tied behind my back. At least the Orange Island gyms got more challenging as they went along.


Fog Trainer
If he didn't have a Lapras, would Ash even have been at that Gym? It's what he rode to get there, after all.


I like this episode; I like Lapras and Squirtle. My favourite part was the surfing race, it was so fun to watch.

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
Great episode but there were a few things I didn't like:
- The annoying kid
- Misty's attitude towards Tracey


Born This Way
I liked how this ep was a change from the normal battling in the gyms. This episode had a great storyline. He got his badge! 8.0/10


Well-Known Member
Love this epi mainly cause Sissy is so damn hot. 10/10 just cause of sissy
Nice gym battle, Ash had to use his head, the last surfing thing was cool


Well-Known Member
Excellent episode one of my favorites. I've always loved the Orange League Gyms since their not like the regular gyms were used to where the Pokemon just battling to see who wins, instead we got the Pokemon competing in contests to show off their skills. Sissy is my favorite of all the Orange Crew since she brings a bit of an attitude with her. I love the gangs reaction to Team Rockets arrival basically annoyed that their there and asking them to go away, i'm surprised they don't do that more often, also like Tracy acting abit like Brock in this episode made me laugh. Grats to Ash for winning his first Orange League Gym battle.
The Orange Island arc still remains to be my favourite season, mainly because of the gym battles. This is probably my least favourite battle of the four (Danny's being the best!), yet I still think this is a great episode!
The child, (who I believe to be Sissy's brother) was annoying though...
The Orange Island arc still remains to be my favourite season, mainly because of the gym battles. This is probably my least favourite battle of the four (Danny's being the best!), yet I still think this is a great episode!
The child, (who I believe to be Sissy's brother) was annoying though...