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Five Pokes


Hope you like. I'm pretty sure somebody asked me to do a Meganium once, so here they are. If they even see it.

Adding Charmeleon.

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.:Daisy Dancing:.
On Meganium, the flower has little shading and it doesn't go with how the rest of the drawing was colored, but the rest look really good.


they look great!
it is true that the flower's shading is not as good as the shading everywhere else, but that doesn't really detract too much from the picture.

i love the "real" quality you gave to all the pokemon. much more realsitic, i guess, than the actual pokemon. very nice.

xD love the ditto
great work


Heart & Soul...
I wasn't really happy with the fur on mew there... cool, still! I love the thought of charmeleon has a raptor! Ditto's face is hard to see... should of been purple or black, not pink.
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