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Flabébé's White Flower (1155)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member

Flabébé's White Flower​

One day while tending to Cerise's Laboratory, Goh's Flabébé start to evolve. While four of them evolved into Floette, one remained a Flabébé: his White Flower Flabébé. This Flabébé seems to be unable to fly as the petals on its flower are all gone. Goh decides to head with it back to Kalos in order to find the flower it holds, but as it's a rare flower it is a big task. Will Goh be able to help his Flabébé?

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Discord: Panky..#9281
Gosh, this episode was overly drawn out, a slow burn and boring at many points. Like I said in an earlier comment, a simplistic filler plot point about exposition on the Flabebe line that's extrapolated over an entire episode. (Yet multiple main plot points need to be rushed and crammed in single episodes? Why?)

This episode (and probably the next) would have been better as parts of a split/2-in-1 episode.

Well at least he released it, so it's a first for him. Although, it still feels underwhelming given how much of a non-entity any of the Flabebe were, much less the White one. Another case of tell-don't-show where we're expected to believe that Goh and Flabebe have a deep relation when we never see it outside this episode. It's like they tried hard to re-create the Bonnie/Flabebe episode.
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Deleted member 384931

Ugh. God this episode felt slow, the episode dragged on and on. They trying to re-create the moment that Bonnie said goodbye to Flabébé.

Gou didnt have a real connection with Floette, so it didnt do anything when saying goodbye to it


I watched Pokemon anime for 20 freaking years
Gosh, this episode was overly drawn out, a slow burn and boring at many points. Like I said in an earlier comment, a simplistic filler plot point about exposition on the Flabebe line that's extrapolated over an entire episode. (Yet multiple main plot points need to be rushed and crammed in single episodes? Why?)

This episode (and probably the next) would have been better as parts of a split/2-in-1 episode.

Well at least he released it, but it still feels underwhelming given how much of a non-entity any of the Flabebe were, much less the White one. Another case of tell-don't-show where we're expected to believe that Goh and Flabebe have a deep relation when we never see it outside this episode.
The real question is:

Why should I care? Did we see that Flabebe doing something before this episode? No

And they try to bring this emotional moment out of nowhere. The point of goodbye episodes is that we are familiar with those Pokémon and things are going to be different that's why It was emotional with Buterfree, Dustox, Goodra, Cacnea, Greninja and the whole Alolan gang. Does it make any difference that one of the Flabebes is not there?

But again they're trying to force things again with Goh despites it have development episode almost every weak. He releases his Pokémon for his own good. Ok, so did everyone else who released a Pokémon this series.


I watched Pokemon anime for 20 freaking years
The real question is:

Why should I care? Did we see that Flabebe doing something before this episode? No

And they try to bring this emotional moment out of nowhere. The point of goodbye episodes is that we are familiar with those Pokémon and things are going to be different that's why It was emotional with Buterfree, Dustox, Goodra, Cacnea, Greninja and the whole Alolan gang. Does it make any difference that one of the Flabebes is not there?

But again they're trying to force things again with Goh despites it have development episode almost every weak. He releases his Pokémon for his own good. Ok, so did everyone else who released a Pokémon this series.
I forgot about Weezing,Arbok and Chimecho. Yeah when Team Rocket were allowed to have feelings they were the best.


Well-Known Member
Just watched the next episode's preview, what in the world is happening? Is Pikachu finally paying for his crime against Porygon?
I forgot about Weezing,Arbok and Chimecho. Yeah when Team Rocket were allowed to have feelings they were the best.
Yeah, I agree with you on this.


Deluded Dreamer
I'm surprised they had Goh release it. They kinda did it with dugtrio but this felt more like a proper release coz Goh had it for longer. I agree that it probably wouldn't affect as much coz we hardly saw their bond before this episode, but I still like how this episode shows Goh's development and his empathetic nature to his mons, releasing them when it's required. But then again those who find Goh to be a psychopath and a bully would probably skip this episode and continue on their nonsense that Goh doesn't care for his mons, they are only trophies for him blah blah blah
A slow episode, but a good episode to show Goh's development and care.

Lord Starfish

Fond of owls
Yeah... If they wanted this to be another Bye Bye Butterfree then they dropped the ball hard on actually doing the necessary prep work. It's hard to really feel that much about Go releasing a Pokémon who's had maybe a minute total of screentime before this episode.


Well-Known Member
Another worthless filler. At least I hope someone who's favourite evolution line is that liked it even if it was just a copypaste of the Bonnie's episode from 6 years ago.