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Flabébé's White Flower (1155)

The Noibat and Dedenne callbacks. Nice episode.

Lord Starfish

Fond of owls
XY and Sun & Moon both have their diehard defenders and their diehard haters. Personally I feel like Sun & Moon gets more hate but to be fair, hate comments towards Sun & Moon also get to me more because it's my favorite Pokémon series. (Though XY is still a strong second-place and I do genuinely like both of them.)


"What the hell...?"
The people who disliked SM got conditioned to accept the fact the saga would be too comedic in nature and Ash turned into almost the opposite of what he was in prior sagas.

But now that SM mindset got imported over to Journeys, where the potential that the saga has created is thoroughly wasted almost every episode (doesn't help Ash came a winner in a league(?) at last so the expectations have (blindly) increased) on reused plots with Goh's face on it, hence...this episode existing, leading to plenty of backlash (unless it's from Goh's fans...who, personally, baffle me that they like him). This saga should be titled Goh's Journeys.
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Well-Known Member
Ash could learn something from Goh to stop his whole vacant happy stare
Ash has cried before...

The episode was pretty meh. Like others have said. I barely found anything to connect with Goh or Flabebe. I dont know why it is but i connected to the Alolan gang, Dawn Clemont Serena and May much better than i do with Goh rn. Even when he cries i cant feel for him. And that is a huge minus for any character. I just dont feel for him.


Decent episode. Didn't expect a release happening but it was a nice way of not making way too much like that XY episode. Also, it worked well Goh bonding with his pokémon, taking responsability for their well beings and showing some growth. My only minor issue is that much like all of Goh's development it's either too subtle or we are left feeling it happened off-screen. His character is very interesting but I really wished for more on-screen personal growth. Sometimes, the most obvious path is the best one to take.

All in all, I like this one.

Overall, meh episode. My thing is why didn’t Grookey just restore one of the petals with its stick? Did Go forget that it could do that lol?
That's what I kept thinking while watching the episode. Like... They could had avoided hurting Cerize Lab budget with yet another vanity trip just for a flower Grookey could restore. Just a throwaway line about not being possible with the flowers the fairies use would have be enough


Paladin of the Snow Queen
Decent episode. Didn't expect a release happening but it was a nice way of not making way too much like that XY episode. Also, it worked well Goh bonding with his pokémon, taking responsability for their well beings and showing some growth. My only minor issue is that much like all of Goh's development it's either too subtle or we are left feeling it happened off-screen. His character is very interesting but I really wished for more on-screen personal growth. Sometimes, the most obvious path is the best one to take.

All in all, I like this one.

That's what I kept thinking while watching the episode. Like... They could had avoided hurting Cerize Lab budget with yet another vanity trip just for a flower Grookey could restore. Just a throwaway line about not being possible with the flowers the fairies use would have be enough
Cerize is actually the main villain, and they are attempting to bankrupt him.


Pokemon World Champion
Ash and Go: see a cluster of flowers
Ash and Go literally five seconds later: We haven't seen any flowers

I also like how the shop woman looked like she had lived through the war 3000 years ago and is suffering from PTSD with her vacant stare


Go-ing for Gold
  • Pinsir making a flower crown for Heracross. These two are so freaking cute together. But I really like how expressive Pinsir is, while Heracross just always has this look of ambivalence.
  • Grookey doesn't have to be a little ****-disturber but chooses to do so anyway. Please never evolve, little guy. You're perfect the way you are.
  • Oh ****, we got that wistful tune from Riolu's debut episode. I've been missing it.
  • Ash has been off-model a lot lately. It's so weird.
  • The music and scene composure are excellent this episode.
  • Hopefully we see Floette again - though Go did the usual "maybe we'll visit you some day," which is usually a sign that the Pokemon will never appear in the show ever again.
I was wary about this episode, since they were apparently trying to make a sad goodbye with a Pokemon we've never interacted with. But they actually did pretty well with the time they had, making Flabebe interesting and giving her a nice story with Go. Really well-done. She became one of my favorite Pokemon on the cast in less than 30 minutes. Still, it would have been better if we actually saw her more before this.

Eu te amo, Floette. Have fun in Hell.


Deluded Dreamer
I want a personal apology from the people who kept saying this episode will be a carbon copy of the XY episode and that Journeys just copies things -_-
I on one hand agree that floette wouldn't hit as hard because we barely spent time with it
But on the other hand I think this episode did an excellent job in making us still care a bit for floette and make the ending emotional and give a very good development episode to Goh.
Also can we please talk about the incredible continuity here in terms of scenery? The shalour pokemon centre looks exactly like it did in XY and there's a scene of them overlooking the tower of mastery that is just like in XY. The visuals for sceneries were so consistent with XY, love it. Reminds me of how littleroot town was consistent in the raboot episode.
Honestly, such a good episode. Way better than that XY episode people claimed it was a copy of. More of these types of episodes rather then the diglett ones please
SM is loved on the forum way better than XY
.......you gotta be kidding me
Is it just me or does Goh cry much more often than any other Poke Girl did. Not even Chloe cries as much as he does.
I like he shows vulnerability, it's a good trait that needs to be shown to be acceptable for men to portray in media more
Saying people who do not like Goh, should like Goh because of this episode is like saying people who dislike Max, should like Max for that Obscure Ralts Episode in AG. This was Goh's Ralts Episode, the exception, not the rule.
In case this was meant for my earlier comment, I didn't say this episode would make people like him. But rather people who call him a "psychopath" and a "bully" are proven to be completely wrong, as well as those who say "he doesn't care for his mons". And this isn't the exception, it's happened a lot of times to be shown he cares for these mons.


Well-Known Member
But rather people who call him a "psychopath" and a "bully" are proven to be completely wrong
Tbf they were proven to be completely wrong in the moment they don't know what those words really means. It is fine not liking Goh, but bashing on the character using adjectives that are not accord to his character is not fine. Even some of the adjectives like Goh being a "Gary Stu" I can somehow see enough reasons.


Deluded Dreamer
Tbf they were proven to be completely wrong in the moment they don't know what those words really means. It is fine not liking Goh, but bashing on the character using adjectives that are not accord to his character is not fine. Even some of the adjectives like Goh being a "Gary Stu" I can somehow see enough reasons.
Yea automatically stop caring for their arguments when they are so wrong about a character that they would call him a "psychopath" or a "bully". It's like they are watching blindfolded while the audio is muted. Imagine missing the point of a character so badly. Doesn't help matters they were actually calling him that UNIRONICALLY. Like wow