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Flabébé's White Flower (1155)

-The flower zone it's a new addition to the park, I wonder if they would add a Snow zone when Goh captured more ice types.
-Grookey has so much chaos energy and I love it.
-Flabébé controlling Goh pulling out of his hair was cute.
- I like how they highlight the contrast of how each member of the Florges's line interact with the flowers.
-Goh saying that even if they don't find a flower for her, he will let Flabébé live in his hair for as long she wants was cute and Ash's comment about Goh eventually flying make me laugh
-At least in the anime we saw a Flabébé choosing her first flower instead of just being born with that like in the games
-Poor Grookey was so sad when Floette has to go, I wonder how the other 4 Flabébé take the news tho

The episode was really cute, I agree that it would have been more impactful with a Pokémon like Dewgong who has appeared more, but its remarks how much Go cares about what his Pokémon want to do, but again a lot of people will skip this episode and say "He doesn't care about them" or that "He thinks of them as just things for his collection".

The next episode seems fun but a little predictable knowing the TRio is involved, maybe it will be a surprise but who knows.
I'm hoping that this is a Goodra moment and not a Pidgeot moment just for the sake of it appearing again at all after release

Also, because Wynaut, I feel like it, and everyone is grumpy, I'm just gonna access this screenshot of a scene in the episode for fun:

3 things:

1. Why eat pancakes for dinner?
2. Why honey on the pancakes over Maple Syrup?
3. Why eat pancakes over waffles? Waffles are 100% better...


"What the hell...?"
Also, because Wynaut, I feel like it, and everyone is grumpy, I'm just gonna access this screenshot of a scene in the episode for fun:

3 things:

1. Why eat pancakes for dinner?
2. Why honey on the pancakes over Maple Syrup?
3. Why eat pancakes over waffles? Waffles are 100% better...


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping that this is a Goodra moment and not a Pidgeot moment just for the sake of it appearing again at all after release

Also, because Wynaut, I feel like it, and everyone is grumpy, I'm just gonna access this screenshot of a scene in the episode for fun:

3 things:

1. Why eat pancakes for dinner?
2. Why honey on the pancakes over Maple Syrup?
3. Why eat pancakes over waffles? Waffles are 100% better...
Sorry but I'm team pancakes

British Soul

Top Hat Regulator
Not gonna lie, I honestly forgot about the XY episode where they were hunting for a fairy flower for Red Flabebe, however I felt that this episode had more of an impact due to this happening to Go's white flower, a colour that is rare enough as it is in XY. Having said that, whilst I wasn't expecting a release, the growth that occured through the narrative, especially during the second half once Florges appeared, it made sense for it to happen, though I will say at the top of the episode when the other Flabebe evolved I was like "Ok, that was random" (also unearned btw). One other thing, when Grookey played with Go's hair, I was thinking "We do not condone the use of honey as a hair product."
Mind you, it didn't occur to me that this was the first time a Noibat has appeared since Ash's evolved in XY110.


Well-Known Member
Another episode of being disappointed that Goh hasn't caught Arceus with a normal ball yet.

If writers would cut out the Ash, Koharu, yada yada episodes, we can go there faster but no, they're decelerating Goh's journey for some side chumps.


Big Bad Wolf
My thing is why didn’t Grookey just restore one of the petals with its stick? Did Go forget that it could do that lol?

That's what I kept thinking while watching the episode. Like... They could had avoided hurting Cerize Lab budget with yet another vanity trip just for a flower Grookey could restore. Just a throwaway line about not being possible with the flowers the fairies use would have be enough
I'm guessing Grookey's power can rejuvenate plants but it can't regenerate lost parts.


Well-Known Member
Being vulnerable and open to emotions is a character flaw now?
Nah i actually dont have any issues with Goh crying. I think men or boys crying should be normalised in the mainstream media, but then again i guess its always been a part of Anime in general. Even in the shounen ones. Naruto One piece MHA all the leads do cry at some point or the other.

I guess i just dont connect with Goh. Journeys does a lot of Tell Dont Show. Which makes it hard to feel for his character when he is crying. I didnt enjoy the raboot episode at all but i still didnt mind Goh being all emotional. But this episode it felt super weird. Like i personally felt nore emotional in the Bonnie and Flabebe episode. And this one was trying to make you believe so hars Goh and Flabebe had some bond.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, so much salt in this thread.

You guys do know nobody is forcing you to watch this show, right? There's plenty of other shows out there, so please, put yourself out of this misery and go watch something you don't despise. I promise it will be better for your mental health, and for ours as well.
This is nothing compared to Suicine/Grookey/Iris episode


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, so much salt in this thread.

You guys do know nobody is forcing you to watch this show, right? There's plenty of other shows out there, so please, put yourself out of this misery and go watch something you don't despise. I promise it will be better for your mental health, and for ours as well.
People can watch something and also express their displeasure. These are discussion forums. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.