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Flabébé's White Flower (1155)


Staff member
Goh is a genius. Floette left, but Goh never properly released it. This means it's still his, so if it touches a Shiny Stone one day, he'll still have a White Flower Florges registered.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, so much salt in this thread.

You guys do know nobody is forcing you to watch this show, right? There's plenty of other shows out there, so please, put yourself out of this misery and go watch something you don't despise. I promise it will be better for your mental health, and for ours as well.
Jokes on you. I don't even watch the show anymore unless it's an Ash episode, but I read the synopsis and *itch about Goh every other episode.

I specifically come over to hate on Goh when I notice a new episode has been released.



Kaleido Star FOREVER in my heart <3
Ok so I need to get emotional about Goh crying and saying goodbye to a Pokemon he NEVER intereacted with or used on screen? a Pokemon he just threw a poke ball to catch without even battling or bonding first? Threw a pokeball at it like it was an object.
I suggest he just throw a poke ball at another Flabeb and catch it like he always does.


Bittersweet Satisfaction
Yeeeeaaah, this episode was really dragged out and boring.

I gotta say i preffered XY's take on this. With that whole situation it still felt like there was a bit more to it than just 'Flower no good, what do?' for the entire episode, with the an explanation on what lead to the situation and more stakes on finding the flower. The amount of drama was also just about right for a POTD.

I did like goh interaction with flabebe and thought it was pretty cute, but the ending 'tearjerker' felt really forced and cheap. We've had 0 interaction with this mon and it's practically a POTD, so when the drama was overdone it just felt too manufactured. Like a bye bye buterfree but without any actual investment in the pokemon. Actually that seems to be a constant problem with journeys imo. A lot of the 'emotional' events tend to feel a bit too rushed and too little set-up, making them lack impact and making it feel cheap.


Deluded Dreamer
Nah i actually dont have any issues with Goh crying. I think men or boys crying should be normalised in the mainstream media, but then again i guess its always been a part of Anime in general. Even in the shounen ones. Naruto One piece MHA all the leads do cry at some point or the other.

I guess i just dont connect with Goh. Journeys does a lot of Tell Dont Show. Which makes it hard to feel for his character when he is crying. I didnt enjoy the raboot episode at all but i still didnt mind Goh being all emotional. But this episode it felt super weird. Like i personally felt nore emotional in the Bonnie and Flabebe episode. And this one was trying to make you believe so hars Goh and Flabebe had some bond.
Goh and flabebe definitely had more of a bond showcased than bonnie and flabebe in that filler episode id say. I don't think it tried too hard, it did it perfectly well imo


Deluded Dreamer
Honestly this episode actually made me care for and like Flabebe and Floette. This is exactly what I want from Pokemon "filler" episodes, to beautifully show a pokemon's quirks and characteristics, its lore and present it in a matter that enhances the pokemon and makes you actually care for it. I really adore this episode, it really is a testament to why I love Goh's character, even if I have problems with the pacing of his development and how his goal is handled. I also rewatched the bonnie flabebe episode and theres no way that relationship was handled better than this lmao. This episode gives so much more time to their relationship, more ways to develop it, more scenes showing Goh caring for it, etc. For people saying why should I care when they never interacted before this episode? Id say then why do you care about PoTDs in past fillers when they have to leave the main character, heck even in this series with Chloe and pidove, but because its Goh its suddenly a problem and a dumb concept? Gimme a break
Id love more of these types of episodes to showcase mons rather than diglett type of episodes, this was cute, wholesome and id love to someday see floette again <3
Really a well written episode, 9/10 (and I cut one point only because we didnt get more time with those two before this, not because of any fault with this episode)
Also, grookey was adorable in this episode and its interactions with pikachu and flabebe were cute


Bittersweet Satisfaction
For people saying why should I care when they never interacted before this episode? Id say then why do you care about PoTDs in past fillers when they have to leave the main character, heck even in this series with Chloe and pidove, but because its Goh its suddenly a problem and a dumb concept?
Because they don’t try to milk the melodrama?

If you ask why people care about past POTD, i can at least say for myself that i don’t care about them. So i don’t feel sad about them in the slightest, but at the same time I don’t usually feel like the show is particularly trying to make me sad as well.

I said i like the XY one better precisely because of that. The drama in that one was mostly on the old lady’s situation. When bonnie had to go she was disappointed, but the scene was quick and she didn’t even cry. Here? They had turned up the waterworks and used sad music, but felt unearned since flabebe was basically a POTD whose bond with goh was at only at that same level. The exact opposite of the pidove episode you brought up. They were EVEN LESS sad than bonnie was, at the end of that ep. So it felt like it matched the level of investment built up for it.


Well-Known Member
For people saying why should I care when they never interacted before this episode? Id say then why do you care about PoTDs in past fillers when they have to leave the main character, heck even in this series with Chloe and pidove, but because its Goh its suddenly a problem and a dumb concept? Gimme a break
I am not saying thats its because of Goh. I would have had the same reaction if there was a farewell episode between Ash and Palipitoad.
And answering your question
1) there werent many instances that you felt emotional about a PoTD leaving a character. Like you knew going i to the episode that this is just the story of this pokemon for today. You did not have to have a preconcieved notion that this pokemon has been with someone for A While.
Here first you need to first tell yourself that this Pokemon has interacted more with Goh than what you have probably seen. Which could be the case. But then that doesnt have the same feeling. Honestly i feel this episode could have worked very well with some other pokemon we've seen Goh interact with. Like maybe one of the dustox. Even if that would have been a recycled plot from DP it still makes more emotional sense.

2)Look the feels in the drizzile episode were real, because there you have actually seen Goh and Sobble interact. You knew sobble's dream, and how Goh understood.

3) I fail to see how this further develops Goh. We have already seen he is okay with releasing pokemon if thats ultimately the right thing to do. Infact we have seen it with Diglett. We kinda saw that with suicune as well so in a span of 15 episodes this feels like a repeating plot point.


"I..I..Iron Tail, Pikachu."
I liked Flabébé in this episode but I didn't feel anything when Goh released it. I wish they had interacted before this. It all feels really superficial. On the other hand, this episode was really pretty.


"What the hell...?"
Holy shit, so much salt in this thread.

You guys do know nobody is forcing you to watch this show, right? There's plenty of other shows out there, so please, put yourself out of this misery and go watch something you don't despise. I promise it will be better for your mental health, and for ours as well.
It's not about salt but actually criticizing an episode's many faults.


Deluded Dreamer
Because they don’t try to milk the melodrama?

If you ask why people care about past POTD, i can at least say for myself that i don’t care about them. So i don’t feel sad about them in the slightest, but at the same time I don’t usually feel like the show is particularly trying to make me sad as well.

I said i like the XY one better precisely because of that. The drama in that one was mostly on the old lady’s situation. When bonnie had to go she was disappointed, but the scene was quick and she didn’t even cry. Here? They had turned up the waterworks and used sad music, but felt unearned since flabebe was basically a POTD whose bond with goh was at only at that same level. The exact opposite of the pidove episode you brought up. They were EVEN LESS sad than bonnie was, at the end of that ep. So it felt like it matched the level of investment built up for it.
I don't think they try to milk the melodrama at all
Given this episode and how Goh spent his time with floette his expression and reaction made perfect sense to me, as does grookey considering it's a mischievous young child, that's exactly how it would react. Adding sad music to the moment is milking it? Nah, it just added to the moment for me.


Bittersweet Satisfaction
I don't think they try to milk the melodrama at all
Given this episode and how Goh spent his time with floette his expression and reaction made perfect sense to me, as does grookey considering it's a mischievous young child, that's exactly how it would react. Adding sad music to the moment is milking it? Nah, it just added to the moment for me.
I mean that’s your opinion, and good for you if you enjoy it.

But i,and it seems other people as well, couldn’t get invested in flabebe and didn’t feel any sadness in it leaving. To some one episode is not enough to care about a mon. So in the end the attempt to make it more sad just made it feel forced, and people tend to not like when a story tries to force an emotion if they don’t organically feel it.

Hence the criticism for this episode, which isn’t really just because ‘it’s goh’.


Dawn & Chloe by ddangbi
I think Flabebe doesn't really need spotlights prior this episode to understand its purpose since it doesn't really get involved in anything else. But I gonna admit that it's really hard to really care about it when everything, including its departure, is crammed into the episode.


Eu te amo, Floette. Have fun in Hell.
Oi, conterrâneo!!
Nah not really. XY gets love too there. Heck even BW does. Twitter really only hates journeys, it's astounding lol
I thought they'd be as divisive as here and everywhere else...
Dude cries more than Sobble ever did

Those two were match made in heaven
That's why Goh's Sobble is Goh's Sobble. It's a Sobble that's Goh's.

(even if it's a Drizzile now)
Goh is a genius. Floette left, but Goh never properly released it. This means it's still his, so if it touches a Shiny Stone one day, he'll still have a White Flower Florges registered.
I'd say keeping the pokéball is also a good way to prevent them from being caught by someone else. Actual trainers at least.

Remember how Dawn's pokéball ricocheted back to her when she assumed Ash's Pikachu was a wild pokémon and tried capturing him?
Why do all of Goh's recent episodes involve a Pokemon leaving/Goh trying to release a Pokemon?
Wish I could say it was building up a sort of pseudo-depression arc for him but I wouldn't count on it.


Well-Known Member
This episode reinforces one thing: The Pokemon anime never should have used Pokemon Go as the basis for a character. If the writers weren't working with a character who just catches endless amounts of Pokemon and had a much smaller cast of Pokemon to work with, they'd have the time to develop Goh's Pokemon and a lot more of us would have been able to connect with them. Some can, but a lot of people feel no emotional attachment, which is why Floette's release falls flat for some. If we were given more than one episode, more people might have been able to form a connection and the release would have had a greater impact.