"What the hell...?"
The funny thing is Goh doesn't remotely look like any of the two Pokemon GO avatars. In fact, they're older-looking than him.
Surprisingly not, but its also the case where they dont like criticism of any kind, whether it be constructive or not, blocking out those people and saying stuff like "This was good idc about your opinions" and all, its like an echo chamber there lol. Since Journeys doesnt have any established fanbase or people attached to it, they **** on it instead. Twitter is really weirdI thought they'd be as divisive as here and everywhere else...
I don't think the problem is with being based on PoGo and more like they are taking time to space out captures properly and showcase what the boys - specially Goh - have already. Episodes like the food wars in the park were fun because it used what we had and didn't had to introduce anything else.This episode reinforces one thing: The Pokemon anime never should have used Pokemon Go as the basis for a character. If the writers weren't working with a character who just catches endless amounts of Pokemon and had a much smaller cast of Pokemon to work with, they'd have the time to develop Goh's Pokemon and a lot more of us would have been able to connect with them. Some can, but a lot of people feel no emotional attachment, which is why Floette's release falls flat for some. If we were given more than one episode, more people might have been able to form a connection and the release would have had a greater impact.
That was AZ's Floette.Thinking about Floette makes me think of that unused alternate form it had that was never released.
What the heck was up with that?
maybe they were thinking like "maybe we can use this in the next game with an event" but they ended up either forgetting about it or scrapping the idea mid way through?That was AZ's Floette.
Considering AZ's story in the games, it doesn't surprise me he's never been used. His character would need a lot of rewritting which sounds way more trouble than its worthy.
It's more curious GF didn't release that Floette, specially with her assets being carried over on SM.
Thinking about Floette makes me think of that unused alternate form it had that was never released.
What the heck was up with that?
Recently it got confirmed there was two more entries for XY in the plan but probably got scrapped coz they wanted to do a new gen for the 25th anniversaryPokemon Z never existed, so...
Yeah, that as well. Wasn't there datamines suggesting a new set of Kalos game that end up getting scrapped?maybe they were thinking like "maybe we can use this in the next game with an event" but they ended up either forgetting about it or scrapping the idea mid way through?
That's going to be one ironic episode when Goh catches Goodra's friends but he actually ends up taking them to his greenhouse.Calling it now: a future Kalos episode will have Go’s Floette evolved into Florges visiting the wetlands with another Florges that just so happens to be the same one that fought Ash’s Goodra so it’ll be a reunion episode for both Ash and Go.
And Goodra will be dumbfounded by that?That's going to be one ironic episode when Goh catches Goodra's friends but he actually ends up taking them to his greenhouse.
it was 11 words instead of 10 (sorry, not sorry for this)Reviewing the Pokémon anime in 10 words or less:
"We don't saw Flabebe but it was a great goodbye episode"
Episode: 7/10
Nope, I just removed "episode"Then all they have to do is remove "great"
Completely agreed. Media/fictonal depictions of male characters need to continue, on an ever-ongoing basis, to allow them to be as emotional and vulnerable in healthy ways as they want and need to be. None of that "males can only be emotional when they're angry, enraged, or wrathful" or those outdated depictions of "stoic vulnerability".I like he shows vulnerability, it's a good trait that needs to be shown to be acceptable for men to portray in media more