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Flame Body and Magma Armor?

I was just wondering something...

you know how your steps are cut in half when you have a pokemon with either Flame Body or Magma armor in your team.

Well my question is this: If you have two pokemon with either Flame Body or Magma armor, will your egg hatch 4x's faster? Or will it still be twice as fast?


my ultimate espeon!
hmm thats pretty interseting dunno giv it a shot


Shadow Amongst Light
I was just wondering something...

you know how your steps are cut in half when you have a pokemon with either Flame Body or Magma armor in your team.

Well my question is this: If you have two pokemon with either Flame Body or Magma armor, will your egg hatch 4x's faster? Or will it still be twice as fast?

Only 1 works... and if i remember it is actually closer to cutting 1/3 time off rather than 1/2.


Dead Man Illusion
No, only one magma armor/flame body counts. Edit:WEE! I GOT PROMTED! I AM NOW THE INDIGO CHAMP! WEEEEEEE
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It's electric!
The effect only works when the PokeMon is in the top slot, so it won't increase faster. And, as DarkSpectrum said, someone discovered that it is not half, but something else.