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Flame Fox Trainer Cards

flame fox

Unown Researcher
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Lazy Summer
can you make me a trainer card with rex(team magma grunt) id number all 1's and a pikachu at his feet...and with rapidash, Enpeturo,pikachu,venasaur,Dosidon,and Goukazaru as his pokemon

add all the battle frontier symbols too, and a green color


Clamperl -Underrated
Pokemon: Blastoise, Shiny Mr.Mime, Rapidash, Haunter, Fearow and Vileplume.
Sprite Gen: Diamond/Pearl.
Colour Theme: Turquoise.
ID Number: Any.
Trainer Sprite: Male FireRed/LeafGreen.
Badges: Kanto badges.
Accompanying Pokemon: Shiny Venomoth.
Name: "Scorpio" (without speech marks of course).
Shine: Yes.

Thanks alot =D
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King Edwin

Trainer:Male Firered with Bulbasaur
Badges:All Kanto
Pokemon Sprites:Firered

Trainer:Male Emerald with Mudkip
Badges:All Hoenn
Pokemon Sprites:Emerald
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Raiden Maximus
Pokemon: Charmander, Mareep, Chikorita, Starmie, Male Nidoran, Haunter.
Sprite Gen: Fire Red/Leaf Green.
Colour Theme: Red
ID Number: 420863
Trainer Sprite: This one.
Badges: Kanto badges
Accompanying Pokemon: Charmander
Name: "Lyndon" (without speech marks of course)
Shine: No

top 8 guy

Hey Korey, could I get 1 with Sghetti on it, with red colours like yours but with a magma grunt. Also with the these pokemon: Purple Wobbuffet, Articuno,Latios, Umbreon, Green Mewtwo and Ho-oh thanks. ;202; But also Articuno, Latios and Green Mewtwo caught with a master ball and the others with a Pokeball. Could I also get all of the frontier symbols and the trainer Id is 05966, Thanks. ;202; ;150; ;381; ;144; ;197; ;250; Please no shine though and could I please get a blue wynaught at my feet thnx
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Clamperl -Underrated
Thanks so much! It's brilliant! =D

Pokemon: Meganium, Quagsire, Noctowl, Ampharos, Stantler and Mantine.
Sprite Gen: Diamond/Pearl.
Colour Theme: Royal Blue.
ID Number: None
Trainer Sprite: This.
Badges: Johto.
Accompanying Pokemon: Shiny Yanma.
Shine: Yes.

Pokemon: Sceptile, Camerupt, Flygon, Whiscash, Shiny Lombre and Medicham.
Sprite Gen: Diamond/Pearl.
Colour Theme: Dark Orchid.
ID Number: None
Trainer Sprite: This.
Badges: Hoenn
Accompanying Pokemon: Dustox.
Shine: Yes.

Sorry if I'm overloading you. If you don't have time, or can't be bothered, then don't make them! =D Thanks so much! >: ]

VV Doesn't it look great!
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New Member
Trainer card PLZ!! :D

Sprite Gen: Diamond/Pearl.
Colour Theme: Black
ID Number:
Trainer Sprite: Female from d/p
Badges: D/P.
Accompanying Pokemon: Crobat
Name: Hikari (???)
Shine: hmm no shine.


~sparkle and shine~
I like your TC style, the bgs and color schemes and stuff...
Could I get one?
Name: SilverStar
Color Scheme: Pink
Trainer: Aroma lady from FR/LG (the one looking back over her shoulder, I think that's the right generation)
Pokemon: Espeon (female), Pichu (male), Ninetales (female), Delcatty (female), Glacia (female), Mightyena (male)
Sprites: All D/P
Badges: D/P if you have them, otherwise Kanto
Shine: yes please!
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hear 'm roar
I'd like a tc

background: Yellow
pokemon (sprites all male): manectric, absol, scizor, ariados, kecleon, yukinooh.
pokemon next to trainer:ninjask
Character: male pokemon ranger FR/LG
name: activity
badges: hoenn