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Flaming Fist Fury


4x Machop (Karate Chop)
2x Machoke
1x Machamp
2x Makuhita (Slap Push/Lunge Out)
1x Hariyama (Super Slap Push/Mega Throw)

4x Torchic (Singe)
2x Combusken (Quick Attack/Combustion)
1x Blaziken (Clutch/Flamethrower)
3x Magmar EX

10x Fighting Energy
10x Fire Energy

4x Poke Ball
4x Potion
4x Switch
4x Great Ball
4x Warp Point

AIM: Getting out all the evolutions (Machamp, Hariyama, Blaziken) as fast as possible, with help with the Balls. Switch, Warp Point and Potion prevent my Pokemon going to the discard pile any time soon.


You might want to do 30 energys and 10 trainer cards instead of 20 energy and 20 trainers,Reason:It sucks to have no energys in 5 turns.


I like cheerios.
No, he needs like 15 energys and 25 trainers. Is this Unlimited? If so, tell us. Use Rare Candies and Dual Balls to get out your evolutions.