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Flareon the shiny sparkle.

+Flame Claw+

Space Rebellion!
So, I posted a Vaporeon * a while back (tho it was Delta) but this time I bring you the regular, shiny, Flareon!
and so, as always...

Card by moi, blank by Cascade, art by Sneasel Plushie (bg by me).

Do you like-ey?


Final Fantasy Fan
Nice. Not too powerful and not too weak. I like his first attack more though, for some reason.


Loving Longnecks
Really nice, artwork is really good and really average


gee that's swell
Hmm, that's pretty nice! The attacks are perfect, this is the first time I've seen good attacks on a fake card in a good long while! Awesome job :)

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Wow! I really like that, especially the art. The attacks are also very cool indeed, and overall it's great. 9/10.


Blaziken rules!
It's beautiful!!!!! I give it a 10/10!!!!


Well-Known Member
Very good art! Plus its attacks are somewhere in between being overpowered and underpowered!(meaning it has average attacks which is good!)

Love it! 10/10!