The walk up to Starbreak Square's main entrance from the floor of the surrounding Mystery Dungeon was similar to how Pleo and his teammates found it the other day. Once again, a rocky spit headed off into the fog from a ledge, with an abyss filled with thick mist far below. What had changed were the arrangement of the walls and corridors, such that the abyss now laid in the middle of the chamber with ledges ringing it in all directions.
But the biggest difference of all was the Pokémon that were in front of it.
A pair of Pokémon in red scarves drug a bound and dazed Marked Orthworm along and threw him into a heap up against a stony wall along with a few other Marked—guards who'd been overpowered by the first wave of pirates who found the entrance. The chamber was now crowded with pirates, with Hess and Dirk of course being among their number. The pair made their way up to the front as Hess pawed at a few fresh marks in his hide and cast an uneasy glance back at the defeated Marked off at the other end of the chamber.
"Those guards put up more of a fight than I thought they would," the Aggron murmured. "Dirk, are we
sure that this is a good-?"
"Shut it, Hess," the Bisharp snapped. "I didn't get as far as I did by turning tail at the first rogue wave at sea."
Dirk stepped out at the head of the formation of pirates closest to the entrance. He raised a hand for silence, and after quickly receiving it, looked over the gathering with a stern, serious frown.
"The scouts we sent in just got back to me a few minutes ago. They've found out what we needed to know," the Bisharp said. "Those Marked built up their town around a fortified core with a bunch of vaults. The holding cells they keep prisoners in are there, and knowing them,
that's where the bird is right now."
Dirk's underlings nodded along, while the golden-scarved pirates in the group visibly hesitated. A few of their number began to murmur in hushed tones and grow noticeably uneasy, with a Litten raising his voice to speak up.
"Wait, we're really just going to storm the most fortified part of town?" the Litten asked. "Isn't that where all the guards would be too?"
The Bisharp shot a piercing glare at the Litten, making the Fire-Type hurriedly shrink back and break eye contact. Hess shot a sideways glance at Dirk as the rest of his underlings similarly stifled their protests. He set his teeth on edge and subconsciously lowered his head to flash his horns, only to catch himself. He didn't like the way that Bisharp was treating his crew right now, but at the same time… he wasn't sure there was anything he could do about it.
Hess quickly stood upright after Dirk's gaze fell on him and hurriedly pretended to brush some dust off his stony scales. After growing satisfied, the Bisharp let out a quiet harrumph, before turning back to the gathered pirates to continue his briefing.
yes," Dirk replied. "That's why your captain here volunteered to have some of your ranks provide skirmishers to draw the guards' attention away from the center of town."
Hess stiffened up at Dirk's explanation, and shot him a bewildered glance.
"Wait, I
did? Since when-?"
"We Crimson Corsairs will head in along with Hess and his tougher deckhands about five minutes after you head in. With the guards thinned in the town's center, it's just a matter of fighting past them to break into those holding cells, snagging the bird, and getting out," Dirk continued. "There shouldn't be any shortage of loot to nab along the way, either. After all, when was the last time anyone built up fortifications like that
without having something good inside?"
That last sentence seemed to do the trick for dispelling the unease. At once, both the Crimson Corsairs and Iron Fleet alike broke out into cheers and laughter, as the pirates began to work themselves up over the promise of loot in their paws and spirits in their bellies. The Bisharp smirked at the turn of the gathering's mood. All that was really needed to smooth things over was just to give the gathered crews a bit of good old-fashioned motivation.
"Well then, I think it's about time we got this show on the road, huh?"
"W-Wait just a minute!"
Dirk trailed off when he noticed Hess raising a claw in protest from the side. The Bisharp turned over to face his Aggron peer into and let his face fall a sharp frown.
now, Hess?"
"We can't head in just yet!" the Aggron protested. "Rodion and his party haven't caught up with us yet!"
Dirk rolled his eyes with a grumbling sigh, before bringing a hand up to the badge on his scarf. He tugged it loose, before giving it a firm squeeze and raising it to his mouth.
"Rian, put the Iron Fleet's sea rat on the line."
Hess gave a scowl of his own at the Bisharp. He knew that Dirk didn't see him as an equal, but would it have
killed him to pretend like he respected him, just this once?
Hess snapped back to attention and breathed out a sigh of relief after hearing his first mate's voice. He supposed he should've known better to assume that Rodion would get in trouble from a Mystery Dungeon, but even so, he'd hoped that he wouldn't have fallen this far behind.
"Rodion? Where
are you?"
"One of our squads found an entrance into the town and we're waiting for everyone in our group to converge on it. Though where are you? Those dispatchers from the Crimson Corsairs wouldn't give us a straight answer all this time!"
Hess turned his head over to Dirk as the Bisharp summarily stepped back from him. Dirk raised the badge back to his mouth, before giving a terse grunt back through the badge.
"We're on a different floor than you, just go in once everyone in your group's together. We'll fight our way to the center of the town and catch up there."
Dirk let go of the badge and silenced Rodion's voice. He pinned it back on his scarf, leaving Hess to splutter and stare with his mouth hanging open. Was Dirk
trying to get Rodion lost? First Dirk made the two of them travel separately, then his crew's psychics gave Rodion the run-around, and now the Bisharp didn't even want to wait for Rodion to come and join forces with them!
"What are you doing?!" Hess protested. "We were all supposed to go in together for this raid!"
Dirk narrowed his eyes and began to turn for the entrance with an impatient huff.
"Your first mate already made it into position on his own. He'll be fine," the Bisharp insisted. "And since when did an Aggron like you need a little sea rat as a babysitter?"
Hess let out a low growl and pawed his feet against the ground, angrily flashing his teeth in reply.
"Look, you said that you wanted my tougher deckclaws to help take the town center, didn't you?" the Aggron snapped. "How do you expect me to do that without-?!"
The next thing Hess knew, there was a
woosh and glint of gathered light along with something poking at his throat. He glanced down and fought back a frightened squeal after seeing the tip of one of Dirk's arm-blades pressed up against its hide, with its owner glaring daggers at him from the length of his arm.
improvising," Dirk snarled. "Just like how I'll improvise by leaving you crumpled in the dirt and going on
without you if you don't shut up and start marching!"
Hess' mind went blank briefly as Dirk pulled the blade from his throat and returned his arm to his side. The Aggron reflexively grabbed at his throat, and after discovering his neck's hide wasn't broken and steadying his shaky breaths, Hess turned his head and looked out over the gathered pirates.
All around the gathering, the Crimson Corsairs were giving unamused and dismissive reactions to his display, while the pirates from his own crew were shrinking back visibly unnerved, as was to be expected after seeing their captain get cowed into submission right in front of them. Fighting Dirk right here and now was bound to end terribly, but pirates respected strength from their captains, so he'd have to try and project it some other way.
Hess turned his head away. Rodion wasn't a pushover, and even if there had been a couple scares along the way, they'd pulled through far dicier moments even when separated. Maybe he was just overthinking things. Rodion wasn't exactly a stranger to going through Mystery Dungeons when he had to, and it wasn't as if they were short on 'monpower at the moment…
He forced a determined scowl over his face and looked out over his underlings, before motioning off at Starbreak Square's entrance with a small grin.
"Head out and raise some hell. We'll all be back in town and getting sloshed before we know it."
He waited a bit as little by little, the Iron Fleet's Pokémon began to perk up, with a few even openly talking about how they were looking forward to their loot and rum once the dust settled. Dirk waved the first group of pirates from the Iron Fleet forward, and watched with a knowing smile as other skirmishers followed one after the other.
"It's showtime."
As humble as Margi's home in Starbreak Square was, the accommodations proved to be surprisingly comfortable. Before Pleo and his companions knew, it was morning again. Or at least Margi claimed that it was morning based on the number of distant bell-chimes echoing through the tunnels. According to her and Daraen, the bell-chimes were how the town marked the hours in the absence of sunlight. After rousing from their bedding, it was just a few paces over back to the low-slung table in the Hydreigon's living room, where the six shared a breakfast of simple Gummis.
At least the morning had been going well so far. Pleo discovered that Trizano's wing feathers had grown back, which the Skarmory insisted was due to his abilities as an Immortal. For a moment he'd hoped that his own had regrown, only to discover that much to his disappointment, they were still visibly cut short. The others traded chatter with each other, mostly about the Elders and the importance of making a good impression on them after being summoned, but he opted to focus on the food set out to eat.
Or at least he tried to. Pleo absentmindedly pawed at a Gummi in front of him, pushing it back and forth before hearing a burp across the table. The Lugia looked up, where there was Daraen, beaming and wagging his tail happily blissfully unaware of the silent, scolding look from his mother.
"Ahh, that hit the spot!" the Deino cheered. "Nothing like some Royal Gummis to get the day started!"
Pleo couldn't help but grin in reply and let out a quiet chuckle, only for his cheery mood to falter as he glanced out the stone window overlooking the tunnel connecting Margi's home and the others deeper down the shaft. Every now and then, there'd be a shape that went by it, which would pick up the pace when passing Margi's home. Right, this was around the time back in Bluewhorl when other Pokémon would rouse for the day, so it was only natural that they wouldn't be alone.
… Except, the Elders had mentioned they would make a decision about their request bright and early in the morning. If so, wouldn't they have wanted to do that
before everyone started waking up? It felt a bit silly, but perhaps they'd gotten lost in the tunnels?
"So what do we do now?" Pleo asked.
"Just wait for the Elders to come by here," Margi insisted, taking a Gummi from her plate. "It's not that late in the morning right now, and much of the town's diurnal Pokémon are still waking up."
There was an uneasy quiet as Ander fidgeted uneasily and a visibly worried expression started to settle on his face. The Elders were palpably unenthused about the idea of working with a 'demon' yesterday, so just how good of a sign was it if they were running late on telling them what they'd decided?
"How long were we supposed to wait on the Elders, again?" the Scyther questioned.
"Not long," the Hydreigon answered. "The Elders aren't normally the type to keep others waiting."
A distant
thump rang out in the distance, followed by a sharp crash and shouts coming from outside that made everyone around the table flinch. Trizano blinked and got up uneasily as the voices seemed to continue on.
"What the…?"
Margi beat her wings and got up from the table, going up to the stone window and poking her central head out. She paused for a moment and listened keenly as she seemed to pick out the noises more clearly, before hesitating and looking back towards the table.
"… Some of the neighbors probably got into a squabble," she said. "I guess it wouldn't be the first time I've seen that since being put on guard duty."
Trizano reflexively made his way over for the door with his teammates and Daraen only for Margi to motion for them to stop.
"Stay here," the Hydreigon insisted. "You're under house arrest, remember? This shouldn't take long to sort out, just try and get things presentable before the Elders arrive."
Trizano and the others nodded back as Margi took her leave and hurried out of her home's doorway. The Skarmory briefly glimpsed after her as she made her way down the tunnel, before he headed back to clear the table along with his teammates. It was a simple enough process: they'd put the uneaten Gummis back into storage for later meals, and pick up their dishes to bring over to the washbasin in the back left corner. Except, the entire time, the noises from earlier kept growing louder. Noises which Trizano began to realize were the sounds of Pokémon battling. After placing his plate in the washbasin, the Skarmory paused, and gave a worried glance down at Daraen.
"That sounds like quite a fight out there," Trizano murmured. "I hope that isn't normal in this town…"
He noticed that Daraen seemed to be on edge himself, flinching after a set of louder crashes cut through the air. The Deino shrank back, quietly huddling up against the Skarmory.
"This is the first time I've ever heard something like this around here," Daraen said. "Normally, this street's really quiet."
"Maybe one of us should go outside and see what's going on," Ander suggested. "I know that it's not allowed, but as long as it's not Pleo who does it, it shouldn't be too hard to expl-"
The Scyther trailed off and his words died in his mouth as shouts rang out from right outside Margi's home, joined with frantic footsteps and wingbeats. A quick glance past the doorway revealed Pokémon outside taking shelter in their houses while others ran up the street visibly frightened, including a Marked Darumaka who went by flailing her arms and crying out in audible panic.
"Pirates! Pirates!"
Crom and his companions' eyes shrank to pins, as the Druddigon stumbled back with a startled cry.
A purple beam of light suddenly struck the edge of the doorway just beside them, and the crunch of shattering stone rang out and dust swirled in the air. Pleo and his companions coughed and stumbled forward into the street as they saw shapes darting about in it. Much to their horror, as the dust settled, they saw that the shapes were Pokémon of various kinds charging under the direction of a Farigiraf…
All clad in sets of familiar-looking gold-and-silver scarves.
"A-Ah! Those are Pokémon from the Iron Fleet!" Pleo cried.
Pleo and his teammates stiffened up as they turned to see the Farigiraf approaching along with a Granbull and a few others. The Farigiraf from their numbers briefly paused as her eyes fell on Pleo, before they lit up and a malicious smirk settled over her face.
"Ah! That's that bird that the Captains were talking about!" the Farigiraf exclaimed.
"Heh heh heh! Talk about our lucky day!" the Granbull sneered. "If
we nab him, just imagine the reward we'll get from it!"
"I don't think so!"
A silvery flash dove in as Trizano clipped the Granbull with a Steel Wing and pulled up. Pleo breathed in and out tensely as other pirates began to encroach on him from elsewhere on the street. A Litten, a Cherrim, and a Jigglypuff that looked curiously familiar…
His eyes suddenly widened. There was a
reason why she looked so familiar:
"W-Wait, you were on the Siglo Swellow!" Pleo squawked. "You're supposed to be on our side now!"
"Times change, kid," the Jigglypuff harrumphed. "Though you look a bit tired, why don't you get some rest?"
The Jigglypuff opened her mouth as the air about it distorted into pinkish rings with a sleepy-sounding melody. Crom's eyes widened as he hurriedly darted aside, pulling Daraen to safety. He didn't
feel any more tired, so then they'd probably avoided-
Crom looked back over his shoulder as a soft
whump rang out and his jaw flopped open with a startled stammer:
Pleo was lying out asleep in the middle of the street from the Jigglypuff's song. A little further off, Ander turned his head and hurriedly tried to rush in to aid the stricken Lugia, when a pair of purple beams from the Farigiraf's eyes forced him back with a startled yelp. From his portion of the tunnel, Trizano beat his wings and tried to rush to Pleo's side himself, when the Granbull cut him off with a sudden lunge.
"Over here, you scaly runt!"
Crom flinched as he felt something strike his chest, and knock the wind out of him as his eyes filled with… pink hearts? Was that Disarming Voice? Since that sure didn't sound or feel remotely 'charming' to him!
The Druddigon panted for a moment, when much to his alarm, he saw the Jigglypuff prowling forward. He glimpsed over his shoulder, where he saw Daraen also reeling from the Jigglypuff's attack, as the pirate Litten and Cherrim were already upon Pleo and trying to drag him off.
"Daraen, help me out here!" the Druddigon cried. "We can't let those pirates take Pleo!"
"Right! Way ahead of you!"
The Deino hastily ducked back into the house much to Crom's surprise as the Jigglypuff briefly looked after and then narrowed her eyes with a mocking sneer.
great friend you've got there, Druddigon."
The Jigglypuff attempted to throw another Disarming Voice forward, prompting Crom to hurriedly scrabble back. He ran back in the tunnel, briefly passing in front of the door in front of Margi's home when the Jigglypuff followed suit.
"You'll need to do better than tha-!"
The Fairy-Type's words were abruptly silenced by sharp blast followed by a
fwoosh of fire, which caught the Jigglypuff from her side from past the doorway. The pirate yelped and pitched to the ground as Crom looked at the doorway of Margi's house and saw Daraen cracking a toothy grin.
knew that extra Blast Seed would come in handy!"
Crom briefly blinked before noticing the Jigglypuff was starting to recover. He lunged forward, hurriedly throwing his claws forward at the Jigglypuff's forehead as they took on a metallic sheen.
They struck her with a sharp
thwack as the Jigglypuff tumbled to the ground by the Litten and Cherrim, whose eyes instantly fell on Crom.
"Oi! That overgrown lizard got Jill!" the Cherrim cried.
pay for that!" the Litten hissed.
Crom charged ahead alongside Daraen, trading blows as the pair attempted to fight the pirates back from Pleo's body. After driving off the Litten with a gout of dragonfire, Daraen watched as Crom hurriedly dove at the Cherrim to force him away from Pleo, prompting the Deino to run over to Pleo with a frantic nudge.
"Pleo? Pleo! Wake up!"
Daraen tugged desperately at the Lugia, but beyond a few sleepy stirs, the young Protector didn't budge. The Litten and Cherrim came back and Daraen flinched and stumbled back from a spray of pointed leaves digging into his hide. He shook his head briefly, before lowering his head to Pleo's ears and letting out the loudest roar he could muster.
The Roar finally startled him awake, and sent Pleo running blindly, right into the wall of the tunnel just next to Daraen's home. The Lugia tumbled back with a stunned squawk, before fighting to stay on his feet and steady his balance.
"Ack! I'm up! I'm up!"
Pleo steadied himself just in time to see Crom and Daraen still battling with the Cherrim and the Litten. He hurried over, readying a gust of wind with his wings, when all of a sudden, a set of pink jaws snapped shut and clamped onto his side.
Pleo felt fangs dig into his wing and frantically wrestled himself free, only to trip and fall to the ground. He began to pick himself up when saw Trizano struggling onto his feet in the distance. A sharp snarl and paws grabbing him turned his attention leftward, as he looked up to see a Granbull in Iron Fleet colors looming over him with his fangs bared menacingly.
"Hah! That's really all it takes to put you down?" the Granbull sneered. "I can't believe that Aggron had trouble with-!"
The section of tunnel just ahead erupted into a flash of light as a gout of fire sailed in and brushed over the Granbull's rump. At once, the Fairy-Type's eyes shot wide, as the pirate hopped around cradling a now-singed bum.
"Eyaaah! Hot! Hot! Hot!"
The pirate stumbled around frantically, trying to stay on his feet when Daraen lunged forward with a tackle that struck the Granbull hard in his gut. There was a sharp yelp, when the Fairy-Type bowled over, flopping to the ground limply as smoke continued to trail from his rear.
Pleo breathed in and out tensely, and turned his head towards Crom just in time to see him step back from the Cherrim and Litten, who were now sprawled-out on the ground. The Lugia turned his attention back towards the Faragarif, glimpsing her stumbling back from a distant roar forceful enough to send shockwaves through the air, which felled a nearby black Oinkologne and left a brown one tottering. The other Oinkologne fought to keep her footing, before a Flamethrower enveloped her and sent her slumping over.
He looked over at the Flamethrower's source and found a Marked Charizard with fangs bared and smoke curling from his snout. That was—!
It wasn't just him either. Behind Bunsen, he could see a small crowd of various Marked. They all encroached on the Faragarif as she and the still-standing pirates looked back at them.
It was just the thing needed to make the Faragarif and her still-standing comrades lose their nerve, as the Psychic-Type's jaw dropped and she turned to flee.
"A-Ack! Retreat! Retreat!"
The Faragarif bolted, the other pirates hurriedly joining suit as a few threw attacks to mask their retreat. Pleo ducked into a doorway with his teammates, watching as much to their alarm, the pirates were reaching an intersection down the right end of the tunnel and starting to fall behind cover of their own.
Going somewhere?!"
A black and blue blur abruptly lunged in and dragged the Faragarif to the ground by her throat. The other pirates froze and came to a skidding stop, as it quickly became apparent that the blur was a Marked Hydreigon with her left head's jaws clamped around the Farigiraf's neck.
Bunsen and the other Marked with him took their places beside Margi, glaring and growling while still more came from the other end of the tunnel blocking off the pirates' escape. There was a moment of stunned silence as a few of the pirates grimaced and others began to whimper in fear. The Faragarif panted and looked up from the ground as black orbs began to swirl in the mouth of Margi's right head, and she brought it towards the pinned Psychic-Type's forehead as her eyes shrank to pins.
"Do you feel lucky, punk?" Margi snarled. "If not, I'd
strongly suggest you tell your friends to stand down."
The Faragarif stared up as black orbs grew larger and closer to her face, when the Psychic-Type stammered out a squeaking cry.
"D-Do as she says!"
One by one, the other pirates began to raise their limbs in surrender, as the Marked, guard and townsfolk alike, began to pull the pirates aside while others started to bind them up. Pleo breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately
these pirates weren't all that tough when cornered.
Off to the side, Bunsen shoved a golden-scarved pirate to the ground for another pair of Marked to deal with, before turning his attention over to Margi. He hurried up just as her colleagues began to drag off the Faragarif, when he raised his voice with an incredulous cry.
"What's going on?!" the Charizard demanded. "How would
pirates make it all the way in here?!"
Margi looked up and down the length of the street, which was now pockmarked with damage from battle, and a steadily-thinning group of pirates who were being led off. Pleo for a moment expected her to take some satisfaction over the turn of events, except the whole time, the Hydreigon's expression remained serious as she answered with a shake of her head.
"We're still trying to figure that out right now, but they came from the eastern entrance and this has been happening all across town," Margi replied. "The only place that
hasn't been reporting raids thus far are the west side of town and its center."
Trizano blinked in surprise. The pirates must have planned this attack out beforehand for them to be causing so much trouble at once. But if that was so, something wasn't adding up…
"… Wait, but why would they be avoiding the center all this time?" Trizano asked.
Before the Skarmory could answer, a tremor shook the tunnel and made the gathered Pokémon flinch. One that came from off in the very middle of the town. Crom turned his head as the tremor settled, as the Druddigon looked on with a nervous grimace.
"What was that?" Crom gulped.
"It's from the Elders' Hall! Those pirates must've been putting up a feint!" Margi exclaimed, her eyes shooting wide. "Anyone who's able, come quickly! If the Elders and the others there are struggling with these pirates, we'll need all the monpower we can get!"
The guards with Margi turned and hurried off towards the center of town, a few quickly passing instructions to bystanders for how to tie knots and handle their remaining prisoners before moving along. Some of the townsfolk began to join their ranks, including Bunsen, when a few of the Marked further ahead grimaced and stared past him. The Charizard craned his head back, only for his eyes to shoot wide as he jolted back with a startled yelp.
"A-Ah! Why are
they coming with us?!"
Margi blinked her eyes, when she turned back and saw the rest of Team Traveller hurrying over to them, with Pleo at their head. The young Lugia ran up, batting his wings out and waving for attention.
"You need help, don't you?" Pleo asked. "We'll help you all fight, too!"
A few worried remarks went about the nearby Marked, as Margi remained silent, before narrowing her eyes back with a deepening frown.
Pleo and his teammates traded incredulous glances with one another. Starbreak Square was in trouble, and Margi was seriously telling them…
"What do you
mean 'no'?" the Lugia protested.
"Yeah, Pleo and I are from a Rescue Team!" Crom cried. "Back home, this would be exactly the sort of situation where we'd be expected to help out!"
Maman, I know they're supposed to be under house arrest, but they helped me fight these pirates earlier," Daraen said, nosing insistently at his mother. "Wouldn't they also-?"
The Deino was cut off by a sharp shush in reply. A few voices in the lingering crowd audibly worried aloud "Margi, you're not
really gonna let that thing come?" before the Hydreigon turned her attention back to Team Traveller with a low sigh.
"Look, we appreciated your help, but you shouldn't even be outside of my house at the moment," Margi insisted. "And if there's
one time when you should be staying put, it's now."
"But the pirates only came here in the first place
because of me!"
The other Marked stopped and stared warily as a couple mused to themselves under their breaths that "the demon's not
wrong". The Hydreigon studied Pleo carefully as he stepped forward and looked up pleadingly.
"Shouldn't I at least get a chance to help fix the mess I made?" the Lugia asked. "You all know as well as I do that I'm not
weak. If my powers came to me while fighting these pirates, it could literally turn the tide of battle! It's
happened before!"
Nervous titters went about the nearby Marked, a few including Bunsen visibly inching away from Pleo as he neared Margi. The Hydreigon remained in place and scowled down sharply, only to visibly waver. There was a moment of hesitation when Pleo thought to interject, only for Margi to sigh and turn away before motioning with her right head to follow.
"Alright, as long as you stay close and stay behind me," she said. "And
don't use those powers of yours for this battle. Whatever your intentions may be, we can't afford for them to go out of control in a place like this."
Pleo wasn't sure what to make of Margi's condition, and his other teammates seemed hesitant themselves. That said, working together to fight off the pirates could convince the Elders to help free their friends in Starpeak Square. Even if they clearly didn't trust them still, Pleo supposed this was as good of a chance as they were going to get.
"Right, got it. Just lead the way."
Rodion hadn't expected to find a second entrance into Starbreak Square, but a short scuffle with a few Marked guards prowling about the floor his group exited onto roused his suspicion. Not long after, they found a path headed into a fog-shrouded entrance. A brief scouting afterwards by a few pirates confirmed that there was a small, poorly-guarded gate on the other side of the Distortion. Even moreso after they lured said guards through the Distortion for their comrades to ambush just outside.
Altogether, it was as good a sign as any that they'd found exactly what they were looking for.
They tied up and left the Marked they'd overpowered in a stable zone, and patched up their own wounded to continue on. Rodion hadn't decided whether or not it'd make sense to try and go back to take those guards for ransom after the dust settled, especially considering the Iron Fleet's less-than-successful past stints at the trade, but at the very least the 'mons would live for
someone to get them out of there. That just left them all alone to trickle in in front of the entrance and prepare to march in to help raid this 'Starbreak Square'.
Except, it was hard to take any satisfaction from the moment after the way Dirk had just abruptly cut him off during his conversation with Hess. As if he was some inexperienced rookie from his crew and not the first mate of the crew contributing half the monpower of this raid. On top of it all, it'd been a full fifteen minutes since they discovered their entrance and they were still short two squads—eight 'mons who had yet to rejoin him and the fifteen compatriots with him.
Rodion's attention drifted for a moment, when he noticed the Quilava in his group seemed lost in his thoughts. It wasn't quite like Kenny to be this uneasy before a raid, but he supposed that the 'mon
had been through a lot lately. The Floatzel sidled up and nudged at the Quilava's shoulder for attention. The stoat looked up with a curious blink, as Rodion looked down at him with a wary tilt of his head.
"You're sure you're up for this, Kenny?" Rodion asked. "If you need some time to ease back into life on the crew, I can have someone take you back to tow-"
"I'm fine, Rodion. Honestly," the Quilava replied with a firm nod. "It's just a Mystery Dungeon, and I'm not planning on wandering off on my own again."
Something about that tone almost felt like Kenny was trying to convince himself of his own words. Rodion opened his mouth to pry further, only for a Charmeleon to come up and sling an arm around Kenny's shoulder.
"Of course he's alright, Rodion!" the Charmeleon insisted. "Especially since he's got
me to save his аss if he gets into trouble again!"
Kenny blinked, before giving a shove and playful smirk back.
My аss?" the Quilava retorted. "More like
you're happy I'm here to carry you again, Alfred!"
The two went back and forth a bit teasing each other much like old times, all as that uneasy mood Kenny had seemed to fade away. Whatever had been going on with him, it was probably nothing worth worrying about… especially not when a third of the broader force they'd marched out with was still missing and didn't have any sign of coming.
Rodion hesitated briefly, before grabbing the badge he'd been issued and raising it to speak into it.
"Hey, just checking, but do you have any sign of Pieter or Minhwa's groups?" he asked. "We found the entrance a while ago, but it seems like they've gotten lost."
Rodion waited for a response through the badge, only to be met with a lingering silence. The Floatzel frowned and wondered if the dispatchers were being weirdly uncooperative again. He was about to speak into the badge again, when it suddenly came back to life.
"We can't sense their badges right now. I'm not really sure what's going on, since Minhwa's group checked in with us not even five minutes ago."
Uneasy murmurs went about the gathered pirates, as a few wondered aloud what could've become of Minhwa's group when the Vileplume usually didn't struggle in fights. Perhaps an unexpected run-in with ferals? Or maybe they'd mistaken another place for the entrance into town? Various theories floated in the air, before a Sableye walked up to Rodion with a puzzled tilt of his head.
"… Should we go and look for them?" the Sableye asked.
Rodion paused for a moment, before crouching and planting his feet with a wary look about his surroundings.
"No, stay here and look alive," he insisted. "I don't think we're alone here."
A flash of unease went about the pirates as they began to settle into fighting stances and others reached for satchels to prepare items for these would-be attackers. All of a sudden, the sound of pebbles jostling came from a corridor to the left, which prompted the Sableye to turn and whirl off in the direction of the noise.
"Wait, what was tha-?"
Before the Sableye could finish his words, a Totter Orb flew down the corridor and smashed into shards against the ground. Yellow orbs of light spewed everywhere as most of the pirates recoiled, while some lurched about in a daze with their vision swimming from the Totter Orb's effects. Rodion and Kenny whirled around, seeing shapes start to emerge from the surrounding corridors. A Cubone, a Kabutops, and others in Imperial garb much to a Noibat's stammering alarm.
"Ack!" the Noibat cried. "It's an ambush!"
The Noibat was summarily met with a flurry of sharp stones, striking him and sending him plummeting limply to the ground as a Krookodile stormed in. Other Pokémon began to pour into the chamber as the gathering devolved into a chaotic brawl. Pirates all around stumbled in confusion, while those like Rodion who managed to avoid the Totter Orb's effect went on the attack. The Floatzel focused on the Krookodile as his Quilava partner followed suit, readying water and fire in their mouths for attacks when a sharp hiss suddenly rang out.
Stoyat' na meste, pirat!"
Rodion jumped back as a gray blur filled his vision, and watched as Dimitri swung a scythe through empty air. Behind the Kabutops, Guardia caught up, tightening her grasp on her club. The din of battle rang out as Rodion locked eyes with the Kabutops and a determined smirk settled over his muzzle.
"So you speak
Moreskiy too, huh?" the Floatzel asked. "You'll have to do better than that to surprise me,
Water began to form in Rodion's paws, as he tightened his grasp about two watery blades that he swung at his sides. He briefly looked back and saw his Quilava companion behind him, as Kenny bared his teeth and his vents came ablaze. Rodion gave his partner a determined nod, and turned back to face down Dimitri with a taunting grin.
"You're not the
only 'mon of the sea here," the Floatzel remarked. "Let's see if that
rod of yours taught you anything
Rodion lunged forward, forcing Dimitri to hastily raise a scythe to block an inbound strike as the pair bobbed and slashed in a dance between blades of shell and water, neither quite able to strike a decisive blow. From the side, Guardia lunged at the Quilava with a swing of her club, only for the stoat to roll just out of her grasp and jump back. The pair studied each other's movements, only for Guardia's eyes to briefly widen as she realized this pirate seemed a bit
too familiar to her.
"… Wait a minute, I've
seen you before!" the Cubone cried.
"Yeah? Well let's fix that by making you see stars!" Kenny spat back.
The Quilava abruptly jumped aside and spat up a spray of burning cinders that struck the Cubone in her chest. She yelped and briefly staggered back, digging her feet as the fire still danced against her scales. With clenched teeth she threw herself forward and brought her club forward with an upward smash. She briefly saw the Quilava's eyes shrink to pins, before her bone found purchase against his chin with an audible
Kenny tumbled up into the air, landing flat on his back in the dirt. He hurriedly rolled up and curled in defensively, looking back wide-eyed with a startled whine.
"Wh-What the-?! How on earth did you
do that?!" he demanded. "You flung me into the air with that smack! Cubone aren't supposed to
hit that hard!"
"Hah! That's
Tsurugi no Mai for you!"
Before Guardia could close her mouth, Kenny suddenly spewed up a Smokescreen at her face. She coughed and hastily scurried away as the sounds of raging battle rang out all around her. After backing away a few paces, she made it out of the Quilava's Smokescreen, and she gripped her club tightly as she looked at the swirling haze left behind.
Guardia breathed in, tensely scanning the swirling smoke for any sign of the Quilava only to realize that she couldn't see any light in the haze. He must have been suppressing the fire from his vents to hide himself.
A sharp cry turned her head over towards Dimitri, just in time to catch him struggling to parry a Liquidation from Rodion with the Floatzel's back to her. Gah! Even
without that Quilava, how on earth were they supposed to handle
She glanced over after hearing a weak groan, and saw a Noibat in pirate colors sprawled out beside a satchel spilling out onto the ground a few paces away. A couple berries, some coins, but most importantly, there at its mouth, she could just make out a seed poking past its fabric.
"Yeah, that'll work."
Guardia took off running for the seed, when she briefly heard a "get back here!" from the smoke cloud and felt fire just miss her tail. She must've chosen wisely, since the Quilava had clearly been expecting her to come after him. Guardia ran her free arm along the ground, scooping the seed up and quickly realizing it to be Stun Seed from its pattern. Everything just seemed to come by reflex afterwards, as she brought it forward for a throw, calling off ahead at the swashbuckling Floatzel just as the little seed left her grasp.
Floazel! Mind your back!"
Rodion turned around, but it was too late, as the little missile landed against his pelt with an audible
pop. Crackling veins of electricity spread over his body, as the Floatzel's body locked up, much to his audible alarm.
Guardia cracked a grin when a burning sensation broke out along her back and she lost her footing. She briefly glanced back over her shoulder as Kenny burst ahead with his body once again ablaze. Off to her side, Dimitri reflexively raised his scythes as he readied a swing at Rodion, when Guardia waved her club for attention and raised her voice.
"Dimitri, wait! The
Floazel can't move until someone pushes him!" she cried. " Help me with this
Magmarashi first!"
Kenny blinked and skidded to a stop, briefly looking up to see Dimitri standing and sizing him up. The Quilava went wide-eyed with a startled yelp, and attempted to flee back for his fellows, as a knowing grin came over the Kabutops' face.
"I like the way you think, Guardia!"
Kenny tore forward in a lunge that made his features blur to the eye, only for Dimitri to chase after him with a similar lunge which turned him into a watery blur. The Kabutops' Aqua Jet caught up with the Quilava and tackled him from behind, sending Kenny tumbling head over heels onto the ground. The Fire-Type got up dripping water as he tried to shake sense into his head, when he saw Guardia charging at him with bone raised. Kenny's eyes shrank to pins as his voice came out in a panicked squeal.
Stay away from me!"
Fire poured out of the Quilava's vents and fire began to rapidly gather in his mouth, much more than normal. Guardia's eyes widened briefly as she hastily attempted to throw her bone forward, only for a huge column of fire to come spewing out and overtake her. She shrieked as burning pain flashed all over her body, and fell to the ground clutching her bone. As her cries rang out, Kenny bolted back for safety, before looking over his shoulder to try and check on the effects of his Overheat.
"D-Did I get her?" the Quilava murmured. "There's no way she could still be-"
Kenny's words were cut off mid-sentence as a bone sailed in, striking him in the face and sending him crumpling limply to the ground. The stoat lay there limply as the Bonemerang arced back around, Guardia throwing a hand up from the ground to catch it as Dimitri hurried over to her side and looked down.
"Nice recovery there," he said. "For a second I thought you were down for the count."
"Gah, what on earth
was that?" Guardia whined. "I didn't
know Magmarashi could use fire attacks like that!"
Dimitri took a moment to fish out an Oran Berry for his teammate to hurriedly scarf down. From his place in the chamber, Rodion desperately tried to trash against his petrified limbs as he stared at Kenny lying there motionless on the ground. Much to his frustration, he was unable to do much of anything beyond letting out a furious growl and feel his blood running hot as the Cubone and Kabutops paid him no mind.
A sharp cry rang out as suddenly the Iron Fleet's Sableye slammed into Rodion's stomach. He flopped over to the ground as the Sableye laid facedown groaning. The Floatzel looked up, where he saw a Scolipede in an indigo scarf pawing at the ground with a sharp sneer.
"Hah! You sea rats can't fight to save your-!"
Rodion abruptly jumped onto his feet as pressurized blades of water formed in his paws. The Scolipede scarcely had a chance to react before the Floatzel shot forward and buried one of his blades deep in the Bug-Type's gut, and then brought his other Liquidation across the Scolipede's throat. A set of awful choking noises followed, before the Scolipede went limp and the guard slumped over onto his side.
Guardia yelped and stumbled back in shock, as for a moment she worried Rodion had just cut the guard's throat, only to notice that he didn't seem to be bleeding as she could faintly hear the Bug-Type letting out low, pained whimpers.
Which proved to be little comfort as Rodion paced forward with his Liquidation's blades still readied in his paws, glaring with such ferocity that even Dimitri visibly flinched from it.
"In case you haven't noticed, but cheap tricks are one of those things that put me in a bad mood," the Floatzel snarled. "
Especially when they're used on my friends."
Guardia sucked in a sharp breath and tightened her grip on her club. She tried to put on a brave face in front of Rodion, only to be betrayed by a stammer from her throat.
"T-Tough talk from someone who's backed into a corner right now!" Guardia insisted. "Come on, Dimitri. We can take him!"
"You sure about that, Cubone?"
Rodion lunged forward, as Dimitri and Guardia quickly bore down on the Floatzel pirate with scythe and club. Guardia swung her club, only to feel it abruptly stop with a faint
splash, as much to her alarm, Rodion parried her club with one of his watery swords.
No matter how much force she put behind her blow, it just wouldn't budge against the Floatzel's watery blade. Dimitri's scythe was doing little better as Rodion briefly eyed them when his face tightened up into a fierce scowl. The weight of the otter's Liquidation suddenly gave way, followed by a wet
thwip and a flash of pain as Rodion swept both of his blades back to catch both her and Dimitri in their sides.
Guardia fell and tumbled back, briefly seeing Dimitri stagger as she lay on the ground, breathing hoarsely as the world swirled around in her vision. A-Agh, Eltenios had said that this sea-walker was hard to fight, but this was well beyond what she'd expected. How on earth were they supposed to win against
"Lousy pirate! I'll run you flat!"
A shout filled the air as a Donphan charged in, tackling Rodion from behind. Guardia lay there for a moment, her breaths coming tired and labored, when she felt something nudge her up from under her arm. She looked down, where there supporting her was the back of Dimitri's scythe, as the Kabutops looked down at her with a worried grimace.
"Guardia, are you alright?!"
Guardia latched onto Dimitri's scythe, running her free hand along a still-wet cut that ran along her side.
"Gah… not really, no," she replied.
"I know it's hard, but just hang in there just a bit longer," the Kabutops pleaded. "With the way that Floatzel's hitting, we're gonna need to drop him fast."
A pained bellow rang out from the direction of the Donphan, as Guardia and Dimitri watched as Rodion slashed a Liquidation along the side of the Donphan running past him mid-charge. The Donphan staggered and struggled to stay on his feet, before the Floatzel kicked him aside and sent the guard crumpling to the ground. Rodion panted briefly from battle fatigue, only for his attention to once again fall on Dimitri and Guardia, and his muzzle to curl into a sharp frown.
"You two are still standing?" the Floatzel scoffed. "Let me
fix that."
Rodion spat up a jet of steaming water at Guardia, the Cubone freezing and flinching as she braced for the Scald's impact. A pained cry suddenly rang out, as she opened her eyes and saw Dimitri shielding her, digging his scythes into the ground before spitting up a glob of mud back in retaliation.
The Mud Shot hit the Floatzel pirate in the face, the otter hastily brushing the mud out of his eyes as Dimitri looked back down at Guardia.
"I'll hold him off!" he insisted. "Just use Swords Dance agai-!"
"Oh no you don't!"
With his eyes freshly cleared, Rodion lunged forward at the pair in a water-wreathed blur of orange and cream. He closed in on Guardia only for Dimitri to ram into the Floatzel with an Aqua Jet of his own. The pair glanced off each other, skidding back along the ground as Dimitri looked back, staring down Rodion with a flash of his scythes.
"You'll need to do better than that to get past me Floatzel," the Kabutops harrumphed, only for the Floatzel pirate to answer with a dangerous smirk.
"As you wish, then."
Rodion opened his left paw as a watery blade reformed in his grasp, the otter swinging a Liquidation's blade at Dimitri's head. The Kabutops hurriedly raised a scythe and blocked the blow, only for Rodion to duck and slide along the ground, before bringing the side of his right paw down against the Kabutops' knee.
Dimitri hissed in pain as his right leg gave out under his weight. The Kabutops hit the ground, and desperately struggled to get back up as he looked up and saw Rodion leveling a Liquidation at his throat with an unimpressed scoff.
"Nice try, Kabutops. But you should've seen this coming."
"Yeah? And you should've seen
this coming, too!"
From off just to the side, Guardia darted forward, jumping and clambering onto Dimitri's back as she planted her feet and then lunged at Rodion's head. The otter's eyes widened briefly as he hastily reformed a watery blade in his right paw, swinging at the Cubone as she approached. Time seemed to slow down for Guardia, as the blade passed close enough to her body to feel its water brush against her, before tightening her grip on her club, and swinging it down overhead as she returned to earth.
Guardia felt her club find purchase in her grip, and carried on to a tumbling stop on the ground. She looked back and saw the Floatzel stagger from her blow. The blades in his paws dissipated as he tottered back a few paces from Dimitri, before his legs gave out and he slumped to the ground. The Cubone stood there looking on in disbelief for a moment, trading glances between the felled pirate and Dimitri a little ways away as it sank in for her…
They had
"Gods that was close…"
A loud crackle and a pained screech rang out as Guardia and Dimitri turned just in time to see a Pawniard flop over from a Heliolisk's bolt of electricity and crumple onto the ground. There were Pokémon of various garb littering the floor of the chamber all around, but a quick glance revealed that all but two of the ones still standing were wearing indigo scarves. A crushing bite from a Mabosstiff felled a Sandile, leaving behind just one of the pirates: a Charmeleon locked in fierce combat with Robbie.
The Charmeleon spewed out a Flamethrower, driving the Krookodile back with a sharp wince. A brief flash of satisfaction came over the pirate's eyes only for his mood to vanish almost as quickly as it came. He turned and glanced about the clearing, freezing up with a frightened grimace.
"Huh?! G-Guys?!" the Charmeleon stammered. "Why are you just lying aroun-?!"
Guardia didn't wait for Alfred to finish and hurriedly lobbed a Bonemerang that struck the Charmeleon in the head with an audible
thwack. There was a yelp, before the Fire-Type fell over onto the ground, and beyond a few feeble moans, didn't offer any resistance as Guardia's club returned to her hand.
"Hrmph, I see that
Lizardo didn't learn anything from last time."
Dimitri let out a quiet sigh of relief as they saw Robbie stepping forward, pawing at a patch of burned scales with a harrumphing shake of his head.
"Gah, little
Nervensäge caught me off guard. But looks like that's the last of them," he said. "Good work, everyone."
The guards began to make their way around, going to their fallen comrades to try and rouse them with Reviver Seeds. Others turned their attention to the wounds of those who were still lucid, much as a Heliosk did as he came by and passed along an Oran Berry to Guardia and Dimitri. The Cubone and Kabutops split the Oran Berry between themselves, panting as they looked around at the fainted pirates strewn about. Guardia let her attention linger over them for a moment, before she turned her eyes back towards the Floatzel among them.
"I'm glad that Ander and Trizano fought that
Floazel last time," Guardia wheezed. "I didn't realize that he was that strong."
"Well, even on Pioppo he wasn't a pushover, but maybe it had something to do with how angry he got after we defeated that Quilava?" Dimitri mused. "Though lesson learned not to underestimate him."
Guardia glanced around as Robbie's underlings began to go around, binding up felled pirates with spun silk and lengths of rope. She reflexively kept her grip tight on her club, but the whole time the pirates showed no sign of resistance beyond the occasional pained groan. The Mabosstiff guard drifted past, dragging the Quilava from earlier along when she remembered seeing him on the Siglo Swellow's crew.
The Cubone narrowed her eyes and turned away with a disgusted huff. She'd heard that town-dwellers sometimes spoke about there being "no honor among thieves". With moments like these, perhaps there was a
reason they'd come up with a saying like that.
"Hrmph, so the sea-walkers from the ship turned against us," she scoffed. "Should've figured they'd be the sort to rejoin their old buddies."
Dimitri looked off as the Mabosstiff carried off Kenny, clicking his tongue and shaking his head with a sigh.
"Yeah, the others are going to love finding out about
this…" Dimitri murmured, only to trail off absentmindedly as he looked off uneasily at the entrance into Starbreak Square.
"So what now?" he asked. "I doubt we can still beat the pirates into Starbreak Square."
Robbie came over, stepping over a couple fainted pirates along the way, before he folded his arms with an impatient harrumph.
"We can at least try to help fight off whoever's already made it inside," he said. "Though first things first: let's finish dealing with these guys before they come to."
Robbie fished through a satchel slung over his shoulder, before pulling out a glinting badge from inside.The Krookodile raised it to his mouth and pressed down firmly, speaking into it with a low grunt.
"Karl, we've got another batch of pirates to be picked up."
He relaxed his grip on the badge as a flash of light and the sound of pebbles and dust swirling filled the air. Guardia and Dimitri looked over towards the center of the chamber, where there was now a Raichu with a yellow tail and ears. As the Raichu floated forward, he looked around blankly at the mob of fainted Pokémon all around the chamber.
"Yeah… I can't take all of these pirates at once, Robbie," the Raichu said. "Just getting
our guys who need treatment out would be a handful."
A few hems and haws went about the rest of Robbie's subordinates, before a Mabosstiff shot a puzzled frown over at his Krookodile superior.
"So, do we just leave 'em here for the dungeon to blow them away then?" the Mabosstiff suggested. "I mean, it
would be one way of dealing with them."
Guardia and Dimitri's eyes briefly widened. Was Robbie seriously considering just leaving these Pokémon to their fates? Dimitri hastily stepped forward and raised his voice in protest.
"That's more than a little harsh for a solution there," Dimitri insisted. "I suppose that I don't know
everything that the Iron Fleet's been up to, but-"
"Tch, not that I
really care about the well-being of some pirates, but we
do have reasons to not just abandon them right now," Robbie interrupted. "The more of these guys we can get out, the better our odds are for turning up a lead in interrogation or forcing their buddies to do a prisoner exchange for our own guys back in Starpeak Square."
The sound of shuffling and groaning came from the far end of the chamber, as Guardia and Dimitri tensed up when they saw a golden-scarved Sableye staggering back onto his feet. Robbie's Heliolisk underling hastily stepped forward as sparks began to build up on his hide, prompting the Sableye to yelp while he quickly tried to back away. A flash of red filled the corner of the pirate's vision as Robbie snatched him by the knot in his scarf and lifted him off the ground with a toothy growl.
"Though since
you're up right now, we might as well start with you," the Krookodile said. "Tell me, pirate. Where were you and your buddies planning on going into town?"
"W-Wha… I'm not telling you any-!"
Robbie brought the Sableye up to his jaws and bared his teeth in front of the imp's gemlike eyes. From the side, Guardia and Dimitri could've sworn that they saw the Ghost-Type turn visibly paler as his earlier defiance gave way to a shrill squeak.
"Th-The center of town! That's where the captains thought the bird was!" the Sableye squealed. "That's all I know, I swear!"
The Krookodile tossed the Sableye to the ground, leaving his Heliolisk subordinate to throw a weak spark that made the Ghost-Type's limbs lock up. Guardia shot an unimpressed frown over at the Sableye. She supposed that she should've known better than to expect that sea-walkers would be firm about their loyalties, but she'd have expected them to face the consequences of their choices with more dignity. Why this was almost as sorry of a display as Nori and his friends had on Pioppo!
Guardia looked up as Robbie made his way back, turning and nodding off to the floating Raichu in their midst.
"Take your time with these 'mons if you have to, Karl," the Krookodile instructed. "We'd probably need to leave some of our ranks behind to help tend to our own and process all these 'mons anyways."
There was a moment's pause, before the Raichu nodded back and saluted back while floating on his tail.
"Right," the Raichu said. "Good luck out there."
Robbie headed off for the distortion, as roughly half of the still-standing guards went after him through the fog. Guardia and Dimitri sharply inhaled, before following after the others' wake.
Pleo and the others were in that town on the other side somewhere, and while there was not much time left to get to them, perhaps it was still not too late.
Author's Notes:
Stoyat' na meste, pirat! (Стоять на месте, пират!) - Russian: "Hold it right there, pirate!" (BGN/PCGN Romanization)
Moreskiy (Мореский) - Russian: "Sea (Language). Play off of "maritime / nautical",
morskoy (морской). (BGN/PCGN Romanization)
rak (рак) - Russian: "crayfish" (BGN/PCGN Romanization)
Floazel (フローゼル) - Japanese: "Floatzel" (Official Romanization)
Magmarashi (マグマラシ) - Japanese: "Quilava" (Official Romanization)
Lizardo (リザード) - Japanese: "Charmeleon" (Official Romanization)
Nervensäge - German: "Pain in the neck", "Pain in the ass". lit. "nerve-saw"