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Flygon Be Free!

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
In Pokemon Ranger on the second mission in Summerland there are 4 challenges. One of them involves fighting a impossible to catch flygon, my question is how on earth do you fight it? Every time I try it zooms into a corner where you can't see it...!

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
Flygon was the only one I had trouble with, about 5 trys. Just go as fast as you can after he does all 3 wind gusts. I am currently trying Charizard. Salamance, just wait untill he is done attacking and go go go!! (I beat him 1 try)

Havoc Houndoom

Cascade Trainer
Here's what I did for Salamence. When it's groundborne, keep the Styler active, circle it a few times, make sure there's no line when it's about to use Dragonbreath but keep the Styler on the ground, circle it a few more times when you get a chance, and when it takes off, circle it like mad, following its motions. Worked for me.


For Flygon, you'll notice he pauses in between attacks. The trick is to circle him one or two times between attacks.


Well-Known Member
Don't circle flygon fast. For some pokemon it's not about speed. Start your line behind him, or in a place where you think he won't crash into it. And then circle him in between his attacks, i beat him first try. Salamence was the killer for me.
xD i got the 2 sedras and flygon, cant get pasted salamance for nothing though, not good at keeping on track and its been 5th try XD most i got it down to was 7

weavile/perap eater

Well-Known Member
salemence you have to do one circle then he uses hyper beam do another circle he hyper beams again then when he flies dont bump into him i do 1 circle when he gets close and hold the stylus