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Flying team all the way


Active Member
yea I know I know ice and electric will take me out in a flash but other then that here is what it is. Please answer my question at the end as well ^_^ thank you for reading and your support XD

Type grass flying
Ability sun power
Nature Benifactor *what does that mean in the site? This nature doesn't exsist, maybe I misunderstood it. Cause there it recomended it for all my guys but it doesn't exsist.

sunny day, fire -
Together I call it sunnybeam XD
Solorbeam, grass -
Earthquak, ground
Body Slam, normale

Type Dragon Flying
Ability Intimidate
Nature Ben.

Dragon Claw, Dragon
Crunch, Dark
Flamethrower, Fire
Brick Break, Fighting

Glion (evolution from Gligar)
Type Ground Flying
Ability Sand Vail
Nature Ben

Sand Storm, Ground
Furry Cutter, Bug
Thunder Fang, Electric
Ice Fang, Ice

Tybe Steel Flying
Ability Kenn Eye
Nature Ben


Steel Wing, Steel
Arial Ace, Flying
Rock Slide, rock
Agility, Flying

Type Psychic Flying
Ability Syncronize
Nature Ben


Calm Mind, Psychic
Psychic, Psychic = how can you not know that XD
Shadow Ball, Ghost
Furer Sight, Psychic

So what do you think? And what is this benifactor or benifician nature that I misunderstood about?


I won't give up!
Tropius @ Leftovers / Petaya Berry
Modest nature
Trait : Chlorophyl
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- Synthesis
- Air Slash / Silver Wind / HP Fire

Salamence @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Aerial Ace

Glion @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Scissor Cross / Aerial Ace
- Stone Edge / Ice Fang
^^ You may put Blade Test on it if you feel like it.

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Impish nature
- Spikes
- Roar
- Drill Peck
- Rest / Substitute / Feather Rest

or Skarmory @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
- Swords Dance
- Drill Peck
- Blade Test / Scissor Cross
- Feather Rest
Note : don't use this set competitively. It may work in-game however...

Xatu @ Leftovers
Modest / Timid nature
- Calm Mind
- Wish
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball / Thunder Wave


Active Member
see I'm trying to get my team to be able to deal with every type of PK they run up against by giveing them these moves that I preset. *I was sick so I'm back sorry for the wait*
One How does the nature really affact me how much does it affect me and are the ones currently posted the best to go with?


Emperor Coordinator
yea I know I know ice and electric will take me out in a flash but other then that here is what it is. Please answer my question at the end as well ^_^ thank you for reading and your support XD

Type grass flying
Ability sun power
Nature Benifactor *what does that mean in the site? This nature doesn't exsist, maybe I misunderstood it. Cause there it recomended it for all my guys but it doesn't exsist.This is in-game, so natures don't really matter. I think Rash or Naughty would be good, though.

sunny day, fire -
Together I call it sunnybeam XD
Solorbeam, grass -
Earthquak, ground
Body Slam, normale

Type Dragon Flying
Ability Intimidate
Nature Ben.Lonely

Dragon Claw, Dragon
Crunch, Dark
Flamethrower, Fire
Brick Break, FightingAerial Ace

Glion (evolution from Gligar)
Type Ground Flying
Ability Sand Vail
Nature Ben

Sand Storm, GroundAerial Ace
Furry Cutter, BugEarthquake
Thunder Fang, Electric
Ice Fang, IceSwords Dance

Tybe Steel Flying
Ability Kenn Eye
Nature Ben


Steel Wing, Steel
Arial Ace, Flying
Rock Slide, rock
Agility, Flying

Type Psychic Flying
Ability Syncronize
Nature Ben


Calm Mind, Psychic
Psychic, Psychic = how can you not know that XD
Shadow Ball, Ghost
Furer Sight, Psychic

So what do you think? And what is this benifactor or benifician nature that I misunderstood about?

I really don't think that the moves are that important; in game pretty much any moveset should do. But I noticed that for both salamence and xatu, you need to have the national dex to obtain them. In salamence's case, you need pearl. So if you plan on going against the E4 with these, think again.


i would possibly suggest getting somthing in there that is not quite as weak to ice. glion, tropius, and salamence will get x4 damage >_<!

that aside, try maybe a charizard or pelipper (anythign that is fire/flying, water/flying, or steel/flying, which you have)

charizard is part flying and has high special attack. able to take out most ices (that is if they aren't part water O_O)
you might actually be ok against electric types because you have glion (the ground immunity) and salamence's dragon typing plus flying will even out the attack (x1) so it wouldn't take any extra damage.

i don't know about movesets for these, but just a suggestion


Active Member
and tropious is immune because it's part grass. It's a good fake out because most people thinking because it's flying hit it with lightning think again my friends think again XD.

I don't see why you can't get salamance and galion early game...Well galion maybe but not salamance. But I'll deal with it cause I"ll keep my ice birdy if I have to *love it anyway* the started. The pingune.


Active Member
Is there an ice bird *other then articono cause he isn't in it most likely if he is I can't use it I'm against leg. types*


well if you want another ice/flying, there is delibird, but he kinda sucks....



Active Member
lol hmmm I was thinking of putting in the ghost flying driftblim

Current team

Gligar's evolution *just a gligar right now*
Salamance/Zatu I like zatu because of the psy moves that he'll have on the other hand there is Salamance's moves I don't want to live without. Any ideas.

Oh and where do you get the razor fang for Gligar?