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Flying Type and mid-air grounding

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Pretty Molly... <3
This question has been pressing me for months now...
Why is it that Electric attacks are super-effective on opponets high in the sky (espeicially bird Pokémon), without an obvious path to the ground? If that's what's supposed to happen, then why the **** can birds in real life sit on thick uninsulated cables carrying as much as 345,000 volts and not get blown to bits?
Several months ago, I saw a whole flock sitting on a cable carrying a 138kv trunkway owned by the METC LLC (Michigan Electric Transmission Company)

Is this rocket science or something!? :annoyed rolleyes
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Well, birds are higher up and more likely to get struck my lightning. There's already a thread on this I believe.

Flying Tropius

because Cable is obviously well insulated so you wouldn't get blown up just walking under a electric cable on a rainy day plus Because Bird pokemon fly high they will attract electricity


Pretty Molly... <3
Flying Tropius said:
because Cable is obviously well insulated so you wouldn't get blown up just walking under a electric cable on a rainy day plus Because Bird pokemon fly high they will attract electricity
Very well not! Whatever living thing sits on a power line WILL get big-time zapped if it makes an immediate path to the ground! Ask your electric utility company, they'll know more (than I know-I got some of the info from Consumers Power Company [CMS Energy).

Wrigley\'s Extra

if there's no reasonable explanation, IT's To BALANcE ThE FREAKiNG GaME!


ottermi619 said:
This question has been pressing me for months now...
Why is it that Electric attacks are super-effective on opponets high in the sky (espeicially bird Pokémon), without an obvious path to the ground? If that's what's supposed to happen, then why the **** can birds in real life sit on thick uninsulated cables carrying as much as 345,000 volts and not get blown to bits?
Several months ago, I saw a whole flock sitting on a cable carrying a 138kv trunkway owned by the METC LLC (Michigan Electric Transmission Company)

Is this rocket science or something!? :annoyed rolleyes

It's because the bird's feet are both on the same cable (and because it's not touching the ground). If they were on different cables, the bird would get fried with massive amounts of electricity in an instant


The Southern Cross
Why are electric attacks super effective vs flyers? The same reason why your room in every Pokemon game is the entire upper floor. It's also the same reason why a "town" consists of only three buildings.


This is a game where you store gaint monsters in balls.

I don't think you should think about it, or it'll give you a headache.


Talons Fury

Capt.Miko said:
It's because the bird's feet are both on the same cable (and because it's not touching the ground). If they were on different cables, the bird would get fried with massive amounts of electricity in an instant

also i was told it's because they land with both feet at the same time aswell


Pretty Molly... <3
It's because the bird's feet are both on the same cable (and because it's not touching the ground). If they were on different cables, the bird would get fried with massive amounts of electricity in an instant
That's just what I was gonna say.
They'd also ground by making contact with an insulator (also conductoring the tower itself.)

Flaming Torchic

60 Tauren Shaman
Keep in mind that this is a video game, and doesn't have to make complete sense. Although, if this is just for the sake of sparking a discussion, then you bring up an interesting point. Of course, like some people have said, since flying pokemon fly up high into the sky, they attract electricity. Does this mean that it should hurt them more? Of course not, but it's part of the game's balance, so that Fire type or Ground type pokemon can't dominate every other type.

Flying Tropius

ottermi619 said:
Very well not! Whatever living thing sits on a power line WILL get big-time zapped if it makes an immediate path to the ground! Ask your electric utility company, they'll know more (than I know-I got some of the info from Consumers Power Company [CMS Energy).
another reason is that the birds hold on to 1 cable not 2 so thats why they're safe


Sandslash+Lugia fan
Exactly. I you were freely hanging from that same cable, nothing would happen to you. Either you have to come in contact with the ground or an other cable with the opposite electric pole to get french-fried. My guess is that electric types spew out a large amount of electrons as their atacks, and when the pokemon are near the ground, the attack is inevitably dispersed from its target, so that only some reaches it. But there's many other factors we can discuss all day and reach nowhere.


true love
Flaming Torchic said:
Keep in mind that this is a video game, and doesn't have to make complete sense. Although, if this is just for the sake of sparking a discussion, then you bring up an interesting point. Of course, like some people have said, since flying pokemon fly up high into the sky, they attract electricity. Does this mean that it should hurt them more? Of course not, but it's part of the game's balance, so that Fire type or Ground type pokemon can't dominate every other type.

Though it is a video game, the types super effective-ness are like real life situations. About the electric moves being super effective on flying types (unless it's ground too), well.. think about this. Maybe it's like the electric types are drawing the electricity, etc. into them and striking it to the birds/flying types. I don't really know how to explain it, but birds in real life can get struck by lightning in a thunderstorm. And for your initial question, aren't the cables wrapped by some.. thing? that I don't know the name. So we don't get electrocuted and all in homes?

But yeah, the above posts make sense. Explains more than me. ;p
I never really thought about this much before, I guess I just took it for granted that flying would be weak to electricity... I would go with the idea that seeing as they are flying, they are higher up, and lightning usually strikes the highest point... Another explanation might be that, because they can't pass the electricity to the ground, when they are struck it builds up in their body before bursting out, damaging them more. At least I know how ground pokemon aren't effected (I think)

P.S. I know this is about 2 hrs after this thread is supposedly closed, but I did really want to say something and I couldn't post earlier for some reason. So I hope this doesn't count as bumping, I would like to see some replies.
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