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Flying Type Pokemon!


Well-Known Member
Very, very true Strawberry.. xD


1) If the carp did become a Dragon, Gyarados would have been Water/Dragon. The myth has always stated that said carp became a flying serpent, so voila! A Water/Flying Gyarados to stay as true to the myth as possible.
2) Dragons in China and Japan tend to have short legs. I cannot see any on Gyarados.

Its in the dragon egg group, and why dont you actually look this up (Trying not to swear). The legend was that if a carp were to jump over a dragons gate or something tht is hidden under a water fall it will be rewarded and become a dragon. This makes him a Pseudo dragon. Ya know they dont actually make the pokemon look exactly like what it is based on and most dragons in China and Japan are water dragons. There is also a legend that if a dragon wanders too far away from china it loses all its claws and is un able to walk

Right here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magikarp

Many American gamers have wondered what "magic" is supposed to indicate, given the fact that Magikarp is completely useless in terms of power. Many gamers feel that it was purely the sarcasm of the game's creators. However, there is an interesting possibility: according to Chinese legend, a carp capable of leaping over a waterfall will become a dragon. This is likely the reason that the weak Magikarp evolves into the powerful, dragon-like Gyarados.

Most legends involve dragons there, and you know what else, many scientists believe that the chinese dragons are really large Koi Carp with fishermen over exagerating their stories. Just like Mermaid tales
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Well-Known Member
Jalen said:
I Think its Funny that someone Has Yet to Find Vycksta explaining The Gyrados Legend yet! She Says it at least once a day!
Just as well I like Gyarados, huh? xD

In terms of Pidgeot, I have one on Emerald who is level 100 and her stats are not brilliant and she is EV trained. Much as I don't like him, Fearow is better.


Active Member
I rather like Yanma. They have pretty high special stats, and great speed. Even if they didn't, they have Speed Boost, which rocks.

However, I think there's almost too many Bug/Flying types out there. We need some more diversity. How about another Bug/Ghost type that doesn't have 1 HP?


Well-Known Member
Time for me to actually reply to this thread instead of argueing about the carp legend with Vycksta, My fav is Dragonite of coarse(eventhough most of the time I resent its Flying combo blaming it for its x4 ice weakness) Why oh Wy couldnt he be part water instead! His name means Sea Dragon!


Strawberry fields.
Yanma is actually pretty good. Speed Boost makes it very fast and reliable.


Well-Known Member
kairyu_trainer said:
Its in the dragon egg group, and why dont you actually look this up (Trying not to swear). The legend was that if a carp were to jump over a dragons gate or something tht is hidden under a water fall it will be rewarded and become a dragon. This makes him a Pseudo dragon. Ya know they dont actually make the pokemon look exactly like what it is based on and most dragons in China and Japan are water dragons. There is also a legend that if a dragon wanders too far away from china it loses all its claws and is un able to walk

Right here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magikarp

Most legends involve dragons there, and you know what else, many scientists believe that the chinese dragons are really large Koi Carp with fishermen over exagerating their stories. Just like Mermaid tales
Then you better sue the authors of my mythology books then, because it specfically says that the carp becomes a flying serpent. :)

I'm not going back on my word. I know Gyarados is Water/Flying for that reason. Besides, let's say if they DID bend the rules and make Gyarados Water/Dragon to begin with. He would have been the most broken Pokemon ever in the 1st gen considering the only Dragon move back then was the set 40-damage Dragon Rage.

Plus you can't trust Wikipedia, considering everybody can edit it. Somebody successfuly managed to edit it to make Ash Ketchum a player who sings Sexy Back and it was up there for 5 hours.

However Gyarados being in the Dragon egg group has always bothered me as I cannot explain it. Ah well, i'm sure i'll get over it.

EDIT: Fancy continuing it then take it to PM so the discussion can get along at a fairly nice pace. xD
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Well-Known Member
Then you better sue the authors of my mythology books then, because it specfically says that the carp becomes a flying serpent. :)

I'm not going back on my word. I know Gyarados is Water/Flying for that reason. Besides, let's say if they DID bend the rules and make Gyarados Water/Dragon to begin with. He would have been the most broken Pokemon ever in the 1st gen considering the only Dragon move back then was the set 40-damage Dragon Rage.

Plus you can't trust Wikipedia, considering everybody can edit it. Somebody successfuly managed to edit it to make Ash Ketchum a player who sings Sexy Back and it was up there for 5 hours.

However Gyarados being in the Dragon egg group has always bothered me as I cannot explain it. Ah well, i'm sure i'll get over it.

EDIT: Fancy continuing it then take it to PM so the discussion can get along at a fairly nice pace. xD

Yeah I know, I PMed you a Dragon site that explains it. Still Gyarados is cool.
I like Pidgeot and Swellows gonna rule all flying types in this gen


Well-Known Member
kairyu_trainer said:
Yeah I know, I PMed you a Dragon site that explains it. Still Gyarados is cool.
Good link, but the myth what Gyarados was based on had no mention of a Dragon's Gate whatsoever... so hense the flying serpent. *shrugs* Still, you also had some good points to your case. Shall we both just move on? Cause I think we'll just be running the same old arguments. xD

Swellow is awesome. You cannot go wrong with Guts and Facade... it's like the Pokemon was made for that combo.


Well-Known Member
Gyrados is in the Dragon breeding Group because of the Vague Shape simularities such as Milotic is also in The Dragon Breeding Group.


Pitch Black Soul
Im back sorry, and sure what ever I forgot about mantine! carry on!
BUT SWELLOW IS MY FAV! well at least in 3rd gen


Skarmory Rider
i like Skarmory the best. but i like a lot of other flying types as well.
Yep Mukkuhawk, that was who I was going to say, but it slipped my mind for the moment


Pitch Black Soul


Pitch Black Soul
Check out my avatar!


Pitch Black Soul
Cumbusken isnt a flying type but its still very ghetto!~