P_B isn't the only satisfied fan here. This episode is pure ownage to me because of......GLIGAR!!! OMG, so many Gligar, all flying around the screen! So cool! So aweome! So powerful! So. Bloody.
Brilliant! If the Gligar had poisoned Team Rocket, I would've been even happier. Nothing would please me more than watching TR get poned by a group of Gligar

. Of course, it already happened in the first episode, but I'll never get enough!
Aside from the total fan service(different from fanservice, remember that D=), this was a great episode. Raikou, of course, was totally shafted in faovr of Suicune, but since Eusine was here(and quite excellent he was), that's a given. Suicune is great and all, but we never see poor Raikou. Meh.
Tangela were here too. I'm a happy man today =D. Taking into account I saw A Relicanth Really Can this morning, that's three of my favorite in one day =D Lucky me!
Team Rocket were actually important here, rather than the usual nuisance they usually are.
I liked seeing Parasect again, too. They aren't very commonly seen, sadly. Ariados suffers the same neglect, so seeing both of them is good.
It's been ages since I've seen Morty, so I must say, he has a pretty cool dub voice. His Gengar is great, too, teasing Eusine like that. Holds true to its mischievous personality

Eusine's character was quite well-portrayed as well. it would've been so easy to skip over his obsession, but the writers held true for us and gave us that obsession.
On the downside, Alakazam was rather poorly drawn in this episode. Oh well, no episode's perfect.
Overall rating:
9.3 out of 10
Great episode, and not only because of the Gligar and Tangela abundance(<3).
The 8th Champion