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For the Guys: What main girl in the anime totally rocks?

Which one(s) is/are the best?

  • Total voters


^ Title.

Post which main girl in the anime is your fav.

For me, it's Saori. :D that small smile, the coolish safari clothing....
*Starts to drift off into fantasys*
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Thank you, SPPf! :)
Of the options you provided? Saori undoubtedly.

Anabel's okay, and I don't really care for any of the other's you listed.
Hikari ^^, the best one there


Well-Known Member
Hikari, May and Flannery. Gotta love em =D


Well-Known Member
Misty. Imagine she were a few years older wearing that outfit. What guy wouldnt want that?lol;p


I didn't vote because i like Clair, she's really hott and a strong Gym Leader.


Yeah, ok!
May is going to be very fine when she reaches her teenage years. Look at what she has now at 10 years old, in only five to six years she'll be breathtaking. She brings a new meaning to the word, "jailbait."

Hikari is nice too, probably the second most jailbait-ish female in Pokemon.

But to actually talk about girls that are older, Saori and that chick from the truck that drove Brock to Shinou was pretty sweet. Oh, and Lucy too. :x
Misty. She's just the all around greatest character the show's ever had. She was funny, interesting, entertaining, and she didn't have a million fans obsessing over her because she was "jailbate", like May's and Hikari's were/are.
Whitney made it to the poll why?

Not that I'm complaining, though. ;)

Whitney, obviously. The funniest, nicest, sweetest, loveliest and hottest person/character/group of atoms to ever be conceived in this Universe. That's final. :)

Greta, May, Misty, Flannery, Saori and Hikari are nice too. As in "niice". =P

Well... basically, all Pokégirls bar Grace and... Abomiyako (Hikari's Mom.). Ugh...


Even though they are fictional characters I vote for Saori and Misty(definantly older Misty that was not in the 1st movie). But my favorite anime character of all time is Hyuuga Hinata! She rocks!!
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Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
You know, for years, I've been an advocate of not finding cartoon women attractive, but now that I've been around DeviantArt and seen the work of folks like Shon Howell, Jay Fosgitt, and Andrew Dickman, I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with that. Call me converted.

That being said, I nominate the following:

- Musashi. The oft-forgotten babe of "Pocket Monsters". I've never seen anybody give her the props she deserves. There's something about her personality that endears me to her, and I can even overlook the ridiculousness of her hairstyle. Plus, Megumi Hayashibara gives her the best voice ever.
- Asuna. I think it's her playful naivete that does it for me - she's free-spirited, much moreso than most other gym leaders. At the same time, she's also determined to prove herself worthy of inheriting her grandfather's gym, and I admire that kind of tenacity in a woman.
- And why the heck isn't Kanna on this poll? She's probably one of the smartest women in "Pokémon" lore, with this mysterious air about her that I can't help but like. The rack doesn't hurt either, but I also like the rest of her, particularly the seduction of those eyes, concealed behind otherwise ordinary-looking glasses. She's much more than she seems to be.

I'll stay out of the whole Kasumi/Haruka/Hikari debacle - after all, I may have a newfound infatuation with anime chicks, but I'm still 19 years old, and they're, well, not.
I voted May because she is the best looking (in my opinion) and has the best personality.
Krys said:
Even though I'm a girl, I speak for all the guys. May and Hikari, of course, it seems They are the most popular.

Not all the guys, apparently. :/ Currently, out of the three main girls, Misty has the most votes, and a good 71.54 percent of all voters didn't vote for either May or Hikari.