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For The Jerk Of Tomorrow

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Liger Zero!!!
We all know with every new pokemon generation comes new strategies, and pokemon and along with each of them comes pokemon that are completly overused, I wanna know what pokes you think will be overused in the D/P era
defenetly that new dragon/ground type>
<. Plus darkria and shemei.


I think it will be Aruseus because he is so powerful.

Jimmy P.

First shiny!!
Lucario. 'nuff said.


Dodaitos, Dootakun, and Mukuhawk may make welcome appearances, and Arcanine and Nidoking may get played in the OU Meta.


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
A bunch of the old pokemon evolutions, such as Rozuriedo, and definately Buuburn, Elekible, Togekiss, and Yonawarru.


Well-Known Member
Buuburn, Yonawarru, Lucario, and Rozuriedo. i'd have to agree with the guy above me on most of those. I don't know about Togekiss but that's because i havn't actually looked at it's usefulness. I never liked Togepi so...


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
Togekiss is definately overused. He might be one of the best guys out there. Great Sp. Attack, Great Sp. Defense, and solid defense. Look at his stats, he is amazing and so versatile. Special Sweeper, wall, annoyer, you name it.


Well-Known Member
mm. I guess it was just my bias against togepi for why i never looked at him. I also never looked at the Nosepass evo because i hated nosepass XD but now i might consider Togekiss in my team if i can work him in. maybe replace dragonite. o_O;;
Pretty much all of the evolutions of previous Pokemon are destined to be OU, especially Jibacoil and Togekiss, also, that Dragon/Ground Pokemon is definately going to be OU. Well, it is Tyranitar's, Metagross's, Salamence's and Dragonite's counterpart.

Eerie Fuwante

Wasting my time
Basically, anything with any base stat of 120 or more, and there are a lot of them. Maybe Ramuparudo until someone finds a counter.

Doubt it. Ramuparudo gets killed by almost anything, since it has low defensive stats and lots of weaknesses.

Togekiss and Lucario are shaping up to be very OU. Togekiss has, like Noob_Pwner said, greats stats and a great movepool. Not to mention a total hax ability. While Lucario has great offensive stats and a great offensive movepool (the huge number of eggs move help).

Girafarig Girl

Beautiful but Deadly
Final Evolution of the starters, Mukkuhawk, Biidaru, Roserade, Flowsel, Fuwaraido, Toridepusu, etc.

Many old Pokemon that got improved as well.


Wants name change
Final Evolution of the starters, Mukkuhawk, Biidaru, Roserade, Flowsel, Fuwaraido, Toridepusu, etc.

Many old Pokemon that got improved as well.

The ones in bold are the 'DEFINITELY NOT' ones. Toridepusu probably won't be either.


People who say Ramparudo has bad defences; Alakazam has pretty crap ones too and he's still widely used. Having the highest non-Uber attack in the game is nothing to laugh at.

I believe it's possible Maggy may be used in OU as well as Jibacoil for the extra speed in some cases.

I wouldn't consider the fire starter OU , but I'd say the other two have slim chances of making it there.

I also think Porygon2 will still be used as well as PorygonZ.

Dainoosu has a chance, and I'd it like it to be, but even with Electrolevitate most things with strong fighting attacks can lol at it.

Toridepusu shouldn't be OU, but might have to be, as it's too good even for BL play imho. Still, a lot of things can take it down with ease so...


Just a pokemon fan
I don't see so many things actually becoming overused. Many new pokes show some capabilities of sticking into that rank, however, counting on the improvement of some of the old ones (the powerful poke from last gen: Salamance, Blissey, Snorlax, Metagross, Tryanitar, Skarmory, and the others) I don't see too many things getting in. I can see some of them like Kaburaisu
Goukazaru (have my doubts as it is an improvement on Blaziken but Blaiken was killed very often last gen), Lucario, Manaphy, Kureseria, Darkrai (if not banned), Jibacoil, Dosaidon and Agunomuu. Other than that I don't see too many pokes fitting in the overused, maybe Kabarudon but I'm not sure either.


Well-Known Member
People who say Ramparudo has bad defences; Alakazam has pretty crap ones too and he's still widely used. Having the highest non-Uber attack in the game is nothing to laugh at.

I believe it's possible Maggy may be used in OU as well as Jibacoil for the extra speed in some cases.

I wouldn't consider the fire starter OU , but I'd say the other two have slim chances of making it there.

I also think Porygon2 will still be used as well as PorygonZ.

Dainoosu has a chance, and I'd it like it to be, but even with Electrolevitate most things with strong fighting attacks can lol at it.

Toridepusu shouldn't be OU, but might have to be, as it's too good even for BL play imho. Still, a lot of things can take it down with ease so...

Its the fact that Ramuparudo also has crappy speed that kills him. Now if you can BP a couple rock carts on him then he's a force to be reconed with
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