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ForeverDes' Spriting Thread


Formerly Desgardes
Welcome to my spriting thread, basically where i post all my pokemon related sprites and pixelarts.

First off, Ill post my Good ol' Oldies, couldnt have gotten where i am without em ^^

Colosseum Sheet
[I was proud of this one at the time, since it was the best sheet I ever made]

Colosseum Sheet 2
[I was really proud of this one too ^^]

My First custom Trainer
[My first custom trainer,wow, now i know why its sucked so much XD]

Lawrence from PKTM2000
[An edited lawrence from Poke the movie 2000, this one has so many black outlines its scary 0.o]

Kanon is her japanese name...
[Its that one girl...In the latias latios movie?]

Roy Mustang! My best oldie evar!
[It was a request, my best one ^^]

And now come my normal Sprites!

My first GOOD custom.
[After I read a tutorial on how to shad outlines properly, i came up with this!]

A crystal Revamp i'll finish someday ^^
[My one and only GOOD revamp, without any dithering!]

My character, Alex, in pokemon style.
[I like this one because its editd from a bird keeper, and you cant tell ^^]

Ranger May

[Alternate costume for may, the whole thing is custom, except mays face and base, not done yet.]

New Wes

[A better version of the orginal sheet]

New Wes 2

[An even better version of the one above ]

Shocking Pika

[Revamp of part of yellows opening]
(animated Version)

Ash Ketchum In battle

[I REALLY like this one, its one of my favs ^^]

Imposter Prof. Oak

[My latest sprite, I did it 11.26.05]

Ill add Rips and tutorials later today, right now im tired from typing ^^;
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I liked how you did the overworlds for colossuem especially the ones with the boy and the girl inside the car and what you did with the overworlds also with the bad guys. And for the revamp the colored on the granbull could use more work.



Zephyr Trainer
yours sprites are very good... but the the shadings on the hair and clothings are bad... i liked how you made all those custom trainers by your self... i had those custom sprites of the heros i kept wondering where i got them from now i kno who :) yup its true that i couldnt tell from the bird keeper, nice move bud. i like roy mustang but his head and hair arent very good the shadins on hair is bad, and lawrence his clothing shadings are bad..
the revamp is pretty good but the right leg messed up a bit..
the best i like about your sprite is kanon thats my fav


Formerly Desgardes

Kanon is not supposed to be under good sprites! Sorreh XD
here is what is supposed to be under it:



Zephyr Trainer
hmm hes pretty cool looking :) the line for the tail on the first one is messed ... but dont you think that the tail for the other one is a bit small?

i really think kanon should go in the section i like kanon :)

Kaneda Morspeed

Hey, could I use your Wes Sprites, recolored, and modified, for my custom character? They are very awesome.


Formerly Desgardes
Uh, arent you supposed to ask first, then do it?
anyways, you can, as long as you give me credit for the orginal base.


Shading is off

*sigh* Wow, the shading is off. Nice C+C, it could change lives! You completely rule at C+Cing, you make the Serebii Sprite Section Proud!

For the sprites, they're good. But the porportion is of fin most of them, though your most recent ones are a bit better. I like most of your work, and Kanon is pretty good... dunno why you don't like it. Overall you're pretty good at the style and know its rules, keep up the good work. n.n