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Forum "hiccup"


Where's my fanfare?
Not exactly sure what's going on, but there seems to be an epidemic today of threads being duplicated 2-5 fold. If you're posting something, be it a reply or new thread, just click submit once and wait for it, even if it takes a few minutes.

To those who see these threads around, no need to reply to them stating that there are duplicates. It seems that these are unintentional and somewhat wide-spread.

Edit: I might add that I'm not sure how common this is, but I noticed a few today.
Edit2: I forgot to mention. If it happens to one of your posts, then you can delete them on your own.

Edit: June 14, 2006. This is happening again, so instead of making a new topic, I've brought this one back.
Last edited:


Ah yes I've noticed this.
Any clue why?


Where's my fanfare?
No, I can honestly say I have no clue. Its probably 'cause the forum did a reboot or is undergoing some sort of maintenance. I notifced a moment of extreme lag here an hour or two ago, which was right before it started, then a few more moments of lag. I doubt this is a major problem. If anymore of this happens, instead of posting in the thread, just PM an active mod [of the specific forum area], SMod, or Admin, or just let it go and someone will get to it ASAP.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I realized this about an hour to two hours ago. It started loading slower, at least now I have a vague idea why. I ended up double and triple posting because I'm so impatient >_<

Thanks for the headsup, FoxMcCloud. ^_~

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
It's been going down on and off for the past few weeks too, but only for about 10-15 minutes.


insert custom title
Sometimes I see my posts doubling up, but lately, it's been happening a lot.
I DO delete one of them just to tell you.


One time I couldn't access this site at all for about 30 minutes... when I finally got on, I saw there were 2 members online, and then the site froze...


MidnightScott said:
I haven't noticed it at all. People can also delete the duplicate topics they accidently make.

Not if they don't know they made a duplicate. :eek:!


Lady Myuu's Opposite
I got that one when I was gonna edit my post in the RPG-forum. That was around 12 hours ago.


Kill your heroes
I've made some duplicate posts as I click the post button and click it again by accident because the click didn't work. There might be a server problem as my posts take too long to load(the quick posts). Also, a lot of times yesterday, it said website not available and had to refresh multiple times to get the website back.

Perfect Darkness

Wolf Goddess said:
It's been going down on and off for the past few weeks too, but only for about 10-15 minutes.
I thought it was just Internet Explorer being annoying. I know yo ucan delte them, but people don't do it purposly. Threads is a different case. Is the something going on with vBulliten or something?


Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Perfect Darkness said:

I thought it was just Internet Explorer being annoying. I know yo ucan delte them, but people don't do it purposly. Threads is a different case. Is the something going on with vBulliten or something?


FireFox didn't work either.

Might have to do with the templates. Come on Serebii, it'll take you about two clicks to fix 'em.


perpetually tired
Also, to help the victims, if the message says "you must wait 30 seconds to post again," see if it was posted already to avoid a "hiccup"


Does vBulletin have the inbuilt functionality to automatically remove duplicated threads posted within a specified time period of one another. Perhaps there is an error with the server you guys are running on which is having difficulties accepting this information, how often are you Optimizing your tables, and Updating your Counters?


TC expert
yes, i've seen this in other forums, it's either because there are way to much users now or somthing that has to do with the bandwith, but maybe it;s somthing else :S