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Forum up for use

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The Pokémon Weaver
[link removed] (sorry, it's been that way since 29.5.04 at that URL)

If your RP group is interested in acquiring this forum, please contact me. If you are the head of the RP, sign up. Upon doing so, PM me here and I will adminize you. I will stick around as the Technical Admin. I also have a root admin account stuck on there that I'm trying to work with. I can get you forum skins as well.

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Really and truly
If you are interested in staying a member of this forum, follow the rules and do not advertise.

This place is ONLY for RPGs on Serebii. No outside forums. No advertising other forums.

Reading the rules helps. Seriously. You should try it some day.



Really and truly
Ask us if we care.

If you don't want it, let it die out or find out how to delete. Do not put it up for grabs in a place where this is considered to be breaking the rules. Advertising in a no-no. Don't do it. No matter what.

If you want to stay, that it.

*waits for somebody to notice report*

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