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Fossil Fools! (165)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Fossil Fools!

Heading to Ecruteak City, Ash & Co. see some fossils including Professor Oak! It turns out Oak asked them to come here to witness aa brilliant find. Some real life Omanyte have appeared for a reason. Can Ash & Oak find out why they have appeared?

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Team Awesome
The absolute best part of this episode has to be Brock finally dragging *Misty* by the ear. It was about time! :D I also loved Pikachu's reaction when the omanyte was feeling him up.


Well-Known Member
yay more fossil pokemon! fossil pokemon arnt in many episodes so im glad that there was another episode for it. fun to watch in my opinion. 8.9/10

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
The episode was OK, but TR were at their worst. It's bad enough they were too cocky, but Jessie's stubborness was downright annoying.
Nice episode with Omanyte, :). Man, do I love Team Rocket's water scheme


Well-Known Member
All right we finally get the new Johto opening and what better way to celebrate it than with an excellent episode on fossil pokemon. it's nice to see a episode where the actually show and tell ya that the fossil pokemon are meat eaters and not fruit or poke food eaters. It's nice to see Misty finally get a taste of her own medicine especially from Brock, also I think she'd look good with and Omanyte or Omastar on her water pokmon team. Watching this episode again I spotted a relic that sort of shaped like a Claydol very interesting.


I have returned.....
I love these fossil Pokemon named Omanyte and its evolution, Omastar. In fact TR spotted one when they where doing their evil scheme in the lake! Plus, I love the part when Misty gets pulled by the ear from Brock! For the last words, I know the line of Misty before she's pulled from the ear like she did it to Brock for being in love with any Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny or etc.:
"Water Pokemon rules!!!!!"


Grass Pokemon Expert
I loved this episode. I thought it was funny how Brock dragged Misty away by her ear. I would have thought Ash would have remembered what Omanyte and Omastae after being trapped in a cave with them in Season 1. I also wonder why Team Rocket was bottling so much water.
;012; I don't know what you guys are talking about there a lot of fossil episodes best part Misty dragging Brock haha lol other then that decent episode 5/10


Let's go to the beach, each.
This episode and the fake environment reminded me of Jurassic Park.

Anyway, nice to see Oak again. Though his role was small as usual. I liked that we got to see Fossil Pokemon again, but this time they weren't mean like the ones in Kanto.

Team Rockets plan backfired as usual. Did this take place in the Ruins of Alph? 8/10


No longer posting
This was an ok episode... Brock grabbing Misty's ear for a change was hilarious! It was very cool seeing the fossill Pokemon once again, they are awesome!
