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~Four is better than two...Machamp~


Gizmomancer supreme
Machamp, in all his cel-shaded glory...


Machamp is difficult to draw :p. If you're wondering why Machamp's shoulders look so small, maybe the full picture will enlighten you on the perspective. Warning though, this picture is ony for viewing purposes - if you want to use the picture, ask my permission!
Clicky clicky!

TRIVIA: Something only to the interest of players of the (real) card game...Do you know that in each version of Machamp printed, Machamp has a Poke-Body or Poke-Power? Only one version didn't though...which one?

Please give your comments!
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Mononoke Fan
Dark Machamp from Team Rocket.

With his power are you knocking out the pokemon or just discarding it... And post the URL not pic. Also I don't think you need "exatcly" in the pokebody. Otherwise its nice


Gizmomancer supreme
Ah, I always forget to post URLs *edits*. Thanks for pointing that out. Machamp's Poke-Power only discards, not Knocks Out...as for the 'exactly' bit, it just makes the wording more specific, I'm not really too sure though. And finally, you're right - Dark Machamp for the Team Rocket set was the only Machamp without a Poke-Power of Poke-Body. Thanks for your comment!