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Fowl Play! (156)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Fowl Play!

In a forest, Ash & Co. come across a researcher who is studying Noctowl in the forest. Curious, Ash finds out that he is researching a special Different Coloured Noctowl and intends to capture it to find out about it. Will Ash get it first?

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Team Awesome
Ah, I gotta love the wacky scientists (especially Seymour and Westwood V), they always make me crack up. :) Wiseman here may not be the funniest of the wacky scientists they've had, but he certainly cracks me up during the scene where he mistakes a rock for noctowl (I also LOVE the scene where Ash does the same with Pikachu). Overall, it was a pretty good episode.

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
I've seen the ep a couple of times and I was easily ticked off by Team Rocket and their overconfidence.
I like this one alot! It was so cool that Ash actually caught the shiny Noctowl while the other guy tried forever, lol


Well-Known Member
Excellent episode I really enjoyed seeing Ash catch his first and so far only Shiny Pokemon. Noctowl is a good edition to Ashes team since since he always seems to do well with bird Pokemon.


I have returned.....
So that's where Ash got that shiny Noctowl. In fact when he chooses it, it sparkles like glitter! The funniest scene here is that when the researcher was confused by the Noctowl's Hypnosis, he mistook a rock as a Noctowl. It did the same thing at Ash. He was so confused by Noctowl's Hypnosis he mistook Pikachu for a rock too! Well, Ash got it and so far, he obtained a shiny Pokemon in his team.

Manafi's Dream

Noctowl is an awesome Pokemon.


What a great Shiny Noctowl. Noctowls are always cool, what with their psychic abilities. Glad that Ash ended up getting the owl.


hysterical fan
This shinney is one of the best. the colour are great.

Funny episode with all these ''Fake noctowl''


Grass Pokemon Expert
I am glad that Ash was able to catch the shiny Noctowl. Now he has six pokemon on his team. It was funny when Noctowl confused Ash to think a rock was Pikachu. Then he did the same thing with Dr. Wiseman. I liked Team Rocket's Noctowl robot in his episode. I also think it's funny how Ash basically caught Boctowl on his first try, while Dr. Wiseman couldn't do it in who knows how many tries.


kiss my greens
For the longest time, I thought that all Noctowls actually looked like that. Talk about depressing or what? XD

But wow, Ash got a shiny! So cool! I love Noctowl. Glad he went to Ash, and not that twit of a scientist.


Let's go to the beach, each.
I was surprised to see a Noctowl of a different color in a Pokemon episode. I was even more amazed when Ash caught it as his sixth Johto Pokemon. I didn't think he'd get another bird for quite a while after the whole Pidgeot fiasco haha. Fun episode about Shiny Pokemon, it was good even though Ash only seemed interested in Noctowl near the end of the episode. 9/10.
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Great episode
Noctowl was so smart, i loved his color.
And the professor was funny..


I never realized that Noctowl were so smart. Ash's one too. Shows you what happens when you dont watch the show for awhile.