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[FR]Best Moveset for Crobat ?


I want to raise a Crobat. But the problem is: I've never raised a Zubat/Golbat/Crobat. I would like to know what is the best moveset for my Crobat:

Crobat @ Leftovers (LEVEL: 30)
Inner Focus
1. Wing Attack
2. Astonish
3. Confuse Ray
4. Bite

As you can see, he is only level 30, that's why I'm asking the moveset for a better Crobat at level 70.



Crobat @Choice Band
Adamant Nature
-Aerial Ace
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Steel Wing

No Choice Band in FR though. Get one from R/S/E if you can.


Ok, but I can't transfer to Emerald because I only have a DS. Well, at least I have a movelist. Thanks!



No problem.

Lum Berry/Leftovers for alternative items since you can’t get Choice Band.


Well-Known Member
A Swords Dance passer would help.


Well-Known Member
A pokemon with Swords Dance and Baton Pass would Swords Dance to boost its attack, then Baton Pass to Crobat. Because of how Baton Pass works, Crobat would recieve the Swords Dance boosts and have great Attack to sweep. In FR, I think there is Scyther who can Baton Pass Swords Dances.


So, I use Scyther to Sword Dance then Baton Pass to Crobat for incredible attack?


[Insert Wacky Title]
Yes, that's pretty much what it means. With a higher attack, Crobat's attacks would be stronger.