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Free Hosts

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Hey everyone, hope you've all been enjoying the Webmasters section :)

Anyway, recently - there's been a selection of multiple topics on users requesting free hosts. So as to avoid a major flood of these topics - I've created this sticky in order for anyone to request, post or talk about free hosts. :) Please remember though - that FORUM hosts and such are NOT allowed.

Anyone creating an individual topic in where to find free hosts will have there topic closed and will be pointed here - just so you know ok?

I'll start of by recommending a great free host - http://www.geocities.com - It's got a great pagebuilder for new sites and works fluently with anyone. Be warned though - once your site grows, geocities may become less helpful towards your websites needs. Got an advanced free host you'd like to share with other users? Wanna find a better host than Geocities? Post your requests and replies here. But please remember, no forums.


The Dainty Delcatty
Here are a few that I know of:

http://www.topcities.com - you get 600 megabytes of bandwidth per month and there's 150 megabytes of disk space on offer


http://www.tripod.com - Both these hosts are pretty similar in terms of how things work. Only snag is that banner ads now appear at the top AND the bottom of pages so you must be prepared to put up with that. I used to host on Tripod, but I moved after they introduced the bottom-of-page ads because it was screwing with my layout.*

http://www.bravenet.com - I currently use their Bravehost hosting service and they have another hosting service called Bravepages.

*This statement is not intended to bash Tripod


Hm...freewebs is good, but for beginner websites. Plus point here is that you need not add banner ads or popup ads. Just a link that states that your website is hosted by them will do.


Just me

No ads except for a simple text link to the host, 100 megabytes of space, unlimited bandwidth, ASP support, Microsoft Access database support, SSI support, and loads more. No PHP, but you can do stuff with ASP all the same.


hmm, I have been looking for a free PHP host... but not many sites support that. The ASP host one looks good, but no PHP. now I have to find a free ASP script of what I want, darn.

[EDIT] I found a good-looking site. It got some great reviews on FreeWebSpace.net, and I have registered with them. My account is yet to be confirmed, but the link is here; www.illusionfxnet.com

They have 3 different free plans to choose from, ad free, can host a sub-domain, and other features visible on that main page. They look good, but I havn't got their reply yet. Here's hoping![/EDIT]
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please wake up...

Works wonders for me, with good uploading service, space, and stuff like that. I forget about the ads, but I don't think there are any. It's just a little unreliable in the availability department. Damn 404 errors. -_-;;


Rising Trainer
www.freewebs.com is the best I know of, but I am a little new at websites and such. This is a little off topic, but could someone tell me what PHP and ASP are, and also what a good amount of megabytes for a website is? I will be able to suggest better hosting sites if I know these things.

Dark Sunrise

There is also http://www.brinkster.com
I used that a very long time, but I'm moving. They put adds on every page, but if you register a .tk domain, there's not adds at all anymore.

Blastburn said:
good amount of megabytes for a website is
Brinkster has 30MB, for me that's enough. But like www.1asphost.com has 150MB and it's totally FREE! I highly suggest www.1asphost.com, it's on of the best there is. And it's even good for hosting, compared to brinkster is not good for hosting images


I need a host with PHP + mySQL.

Also the best host out there is:

Hostultra gives you unlimited Bandwith + Space. NO ads cept one. Plenty of sub domains such as www.yourname.vzz.net + more. Also you get PHP but thats about it its the best I know of.


The host I used to use was www.web1000.com, its a good free host that offers no ads, unlimited bandwidth and 50mb free space. Also I don't think there is a pagebuilder so you have to use ftp (which i would use anyway).


Onlinerock.com is good except it may be a bit confusing for new people. You also cant make your own pass.


I use freewebs.com. DarKNezZ, it has free feautures like guestbook. if you want a forum, use proboards.com. Thats what I use for my site(link in sig).

Lugia the Ultimate

I want to know which would be a good one to start from if it was the size of this website (Ok, not that big at first),I'm thinking about either doing a Pokemon website or a Pokemon/Megaman website, for free.
Also, do sites created with Yahoo SiteBuilder work on other webhosters besides Geocities?
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please wake up...
I just came across something that may change your mind about using the hosts with popup ads.


A deviant and nifty little HTML code that you insert into every page of your site will kill the nasty popups automatically. I haven't tried it (I haven't had the need for it XD), but it seems to work. Give it a whirl, this seems to be handy.


Are there any sites that host Frontpage-made sites for free? I've made a site on Frontpage, but can't find anywhere to host it for free, if there is anywhere. (Not Angelfire, it won't work for me.)
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