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Free Image Hosts

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Hey everyone, hope your enjoying the Webmaster Discussion Forum!

Due to popular demand, we're finally having a Free Image Hosts Sticky. Just like the Free Website Hosts topic. It's all here to help every user who is in desperate need of a place to put there images.

The rules for this place are very similar to any other topic, just avoid the flames, spam and forum discussion - and you won't have me complaining ;)

In this thread, you can post your most reliable Image Hosters, discuss they're service and say wether they're worth using or worth leaving.

I'll start off by posting http://www.photobucket.com - I host all of my images here, and it's fabulous. If you have nowhere to put your pics, I highly recommend registering with the above website.

Know any other fantastic sites, share them with the forum. Had some nasty/good experiences with another - tell your story. All recommendations and adresses will be welcomed with open arms.

Thanks for reading, I look forward to reading all of your replis.

Crystalized Absol

Try using freewebs.com or villagephotos.com. Freewebs doesn't matter any kind of photo (JPG, GIF, PNG) and it accepts all sizes. But first, you need to make an account and go to 'Image Manager' to upload pictures.

Chaos Dragon

Imagestation is a good one. its free and you put as many pictures as you want.


I found a generaly good one. http://www.pix8.net
Its quite good, especially for a free hosting site. No registration or anything, but there is a certain limit to the mount it can host per file. But my file are never big, so...
Anyway, this is for pictures only! Unfortunately, that means no .zip files as far as I can remember.

Dark Tyranitar

I don't think it's public, because i had to pm a user on Nintendo Nsider forums to get an account, But i use Otakugame to host my images, and unlike photobucket, it doesn't shrink your image down when it's size is over 250K, photobucket did that once to one of my banners i made...


Um...Mystical-Lugia...it says on Photobucket.com that users must be at least 16 years old to register an account, and i'm almost 14...what shall i do? i don't know...but i know that i want trainer cards...and a co-ordinator card...


I know a place you can find good pics for trainer cards and stuff......
google image search has pics of just about everything.

I thought I'd mention it here since you were talking about pictures........


umm...thanks, but i meant those trainer cards that you can request at some of the threads in the Fan Art Requests forums...


I use CyberTarp for my image hosting. The registration is easy to do when you sign up. The site may only have 10 MB of space to host images but they get the job done, especially since it's free. ;) You can also view your gallery of pictures that you've hosted on their site along with the images from other users. The only thing is that they don't accept .bmp files. They may start doing it soon since they just started to accept a few new files. The files they accept currently are .gif, .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, and .tiff. There mat be more but those are the only ones right now that I know about.

The Blaziken Master

I suggest you to use Imageshack.us

Well, Jason uses Imageshack.us, I will tell you to do that too! It's http://imageshack.us it's called Imageshack (TM), it's free and you don't have to register, only upload a image and then done, you can put the image on your site or on your signature! To get rid of "Image hosted for free at imageshack.us" is just go to the buttom and get the direct picture of the image, and done, just add it in Microsoft FrontPage or another program that makes website! It's free and the image is never broken (like X) yeah try it, your image will stay forever!

Sky Squirtle

ン ラ Koi no Mahou
Image Shack hosted images only last forever if they are viewed once at least every 90 days.

Lord Mario

Or, if you have MSN then you can use My Web Documents and you have 3MB if you have a Premium account.


Imageshack is probably the best I've seen. Fast. Reliable. Semi-permanent.

picgoo.com is okay, but the images only last for about seven days, as I recall


I use imageshack.us, but you may or may not like *******. They delete your pics after a while. But it's good if you wish to minimize how many words you use in your sig. ( The star attraction is that the links are tiny.)

Kazuki Mirai

Well-Known Member
Chuck said:

^ Free image hosting for a certain period of time, I'd say a good 2-3 weeks. No registration required.
Okay, something strange is going on with it. When I was trying to upload images and it stops then I saw the page where I have to upload my pic and it says "Imagesuploadit.Net is going to Hell!" Is there something wrong with it?


Um just wondering about video hosting I need a place to host a video (2.6 mb) for free does anyone know where I could do that?
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