It's a friend code listing where every D/P player can let his friend code and some other data for other players who are searching for new friends to battle and trade.
The site is in German because I'm from Germany, but here's a translation:
Code = Your friend code ^^
Real Name = Your name in real life
Name = Your nickname in the game
E-Mail =
Diamant = Does the player have Diamond? (Ja = yes, Nein = no)
Pearl = Does the player have Pearl?
Typ = What kind of player are you?
--- Kämpfer Lv. 50 = Likes to battle with Pokémon on Lv. 50
--- Kämpfer Lv. 100 = Likes to battle with Pokémon on Lv. 100
--- Kämpfer allgemein = Like to battle with Pokémon of any level
--- Sammler = Likes to trade Pokémon and is trying to fill the Pokédex
--- Gelegenheitsspieler = Doesn't play Pokémon very often
--- Von allem etwa = A mix of all these ^^
Geburtsjahr = The year you was born in
PLZ = ZIP code
Ort = town
Land = country
Eintrage am = Date of the entry
The link to put your data in the list is on the bottom of the page, it is called "Klicke hier!" (= Click here!).
Perhaps I'll make an English version of the list in a few days, but the database will be the same, so you can already start to entry.
It's a friend code listing where every D/P player can let his friend code and some other data for other players who are searching for new friends to battle and trade.
The site is in German because I'm from Germany, but here's a translation:
Code = Your friend code ^^
Real Name = Your name in real life
Name = Your nickname in the game
E-Mail =
Diamant = Does the player have Diamond? (Ja = yes, Nein = no)
Pearl = Does the player have Pearl?
Typ = What kind of player are you?
--- Kämpfer Lv. 50 = Likes to battle with Pokémon on Lv. 50
--- Kämpfer Lv. 100 = Likes to battle with Pokémon on Lv. 100
--- Kämpfer allgemein = Like to battle with Pokémon of any level
--- Sammler = Likes to trade Pokémon and is trying to fill the Pokédex
--- Gelegenheitsspieler = Doesn't play Pokémon very often
--- Von allem etwa = A mix of all these ^^
Geburtsjahr = The year you was born in
PLZ = ZIP code
Ort = town
Land = country
Eintrage am = Date of the entry
The link to put your data in the list is on the bottom of the page, it is called "Klicke hier!" (= Click here!).
Perhaps I'll make an English version of the list in a few days, but the database will be the same, so you can already start to entry.