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Friend code.


Belgian Waffles!!!
How exactly do I get my Wi-Fi ID code?


Belgian Waffles!!!
Yeah, what is a router too?



There's the answer to all of your questions. Maybe you should try LOOKING for answers instead of expecting people to give them to you all the time. :/


Belgian Waffles!!!
I did look there but I still didn't find my answer.......Thanks for the harsh answer.


Sea Ruby Trainer
Jynxo said:
That wasn't harsh. The answer is there, if you just think about where in the balls it could be. Since you want to play slow, I'll just give you the damned link to the answer. -_-



Seriously, it isn't that damn hard if you just look around at the top of the page of the first page of the site. -__-

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I don't know if you're a mod or not, but don't be so bitter.


If you don't have anything to add, it's SPAM. ¬¬

I answered the dude's question, so thanks for contributing nothing to the thread. I have a problem with people expecting others to answer their questions when the answers are right before their eyes.


Sea Ruby Trainer
Jynxo said:
If you don't have anything to add, it's SPAM. ¬¬

I answered the dude's question, so thanks for contributing nothing to the thread. I have a problem with people expecting others to answer their questions when the answers are right before their eyes.

Nice going hypocrite. You just made a "spam" post of your own. Quit being so god damn uptight. In case you didn't know it's a Forum, for DISCUSSION. And you wonder why I don't post much here, because some of you can be so **** about things.

If you think his post was stupid, don't give him the answer and let someone else answer it then. Simple as that. But don't go razzing on people just because you are a moderator. We're all human beings.

As for "sticking to the topic", I'd like to direct Charizard Master to try and learn more about Wireless play and it should give yourself most of the answers.

I'm done with this topic. Good day. And before you even say I'm "flaming" you, think of what you said to the other person as well. Thank you very much.


TooCoolScyther said:
Nice going hypocrite. You just made a "spam" post of your own. Quit being so god damn uptight. In case you didn't know it's a Forum, for DISCUSSION. And you wonder why I don't post much here, because some of you can be so **** about things.

If you think his post was stupid, don't give him the answer and let someone else answer it then. Simple as that. But don't go razzing on people just because you are a moderator. We're all human beings.

As for "sticking to the topic", I'd like to direct Charizard Master to try and learn more about Wireless play and it should give yourself most of the answers.

I'm done with this topic. Good day. And before you even say I'm "flaming" you, think of what you said to the other person as well. Thank you very much.

Seems to me that YOU'RE being the uptight one here. Also, I'm not a hypocrite, as I was merely responding to your post telling you that you added nothing to the thread, which is what mods do, Einstein. You, on the other hand, are doing nothing but b*tching.

Speaking of which, why in the hell ARE you b*tching? I answered both of his questions, unlike you, who did NOTHING at all. This has nothing to do with me being a mod. I'm sick of people like you saying crap like this. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with me being a mod. I have been like this LONG before I became one.

Great job not knowing what the hell you're talking about, genius. ^_^

On topic: If you have anymore questions, I'd advise you to look on that site first, as just about all of your questions can and will be answered there.
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Myvotri Varefar
Looking for friends! Code in Signature :D!