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From Brags To Riches (404)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
From Brags To Riches

The Hoenn League has come and Ash has managed to get through to the proper league. His new rival Morrison has also progressed this far and must win a battle against a Marowak & Machamp. Ash meanwhile has to go through a tough battle against a Tropius & a Swalot with his Corphish & Torkoal. Will Ash manage to get through to the next round of the finals?

Visit The Episode Guide

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Its almost time
I'm willing to bet no one has seen the episode yet.

I'm also willing to bet that Corphish did not evolve and Ash just lucked out (please don't answer until I see a synopsis)
Finally! This episode comes. Anyways episode sounds great, I wanna see how Tropius flies aroundw with it's big body.

*patiently waits for a guide*


Almighty Zard said:
and i want to know why the spec thread was closed so early.

...WTF. It's not supposed to be closed until a summery of sorts can be posted into this thread, or the information regarding the episode is known. >.>

I believe that such a policy was decided on a while ago. And is still in effect, because I PMed Murgatoryd about it, and he said that it was supposed to stay open. >.>

Of course, we all know who closed it. :3 *goes to PM a Mod*


King of the Marsh
It's official, there was no Crawduant.


Discussion on the episode. My translator sucks, so I can't be anywhere near sure about this, but it appears Brick Break may of been seen, possibly learnt by Corphish.

EDIT: Tried a different translator, and it appears that Corphish won the match by using Guillotine against both Pokémon.
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...WTF. 'Latest Rocket Group Boss'. o.o

...'Boss' is mentioned at least twice in the translation I got. Does Giovanni appear? XD

...Actually, the word 'Boss' appears a HELL of a lot in the posts. o.o
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Eon Chao

Phoenix Clan Samurai
If thats true then that's excellent as its a move that I personnaly believed would never appear on Ash's team (despite his having two pokemon capable of learning it)


King of the Marsh
Well I got something bizzare about "cancer/gun moth island" apparently there's a hilarious scene involving something eating a melon, which I presume is Tropius-related, something, again presumably Tropius using Light Screen. Swalot can seemingly use electric attacks. I think the "boss" bit refers to one of Meowth's daydreams involving Chibi Giovanni.


Wait... what's this I see under 'Next Time'? o.o

Finally, the trainer of 繧クツ・#133;繧ォ繧、繝ウ appearance and rear 繝ィ 0 Samani hurting, it does, but (what

繧- A form of dyeing (o.o)

...And the other kanji that appears means exactly the same thing. :O


King of the Marsh
Do you really mean dyeing as in "The process of applying a comparatively permanent color to fiber, yarn or fabric by immersing in a bath of dye"? Or do you mean something becomes dead?


ZoraJolteon said:
Do you really mean dyeing as in "The process of applying a comparatively permanent color to fiber, yarn or fabric by immersing in a bath of dye"? Or do you mean something becomes dead?

a method of dyeing

That's what my translator said about the kanji. About the second one, at least. (The first one came up as saying pretty much the same thing.)


King of the Marsh
Hmm, #133 is Eevee. Maybe dyeing refers to changing it's colour so it looks like it evolved or something similar?


Woo Hoo! I get to see Tropius...Now I can die happy :)


Well-Known Member
ZoraJolteon said:
Hmm, #133 is Eevee. Maybe dyeing refers to changing it's colour so it looks like it evolved or something similar?

Could be a shiny, anyway... we should focus on this episode (no. 404).

I'm not to fussed that corphish didn't evolve. Sure, it would've been nice, but I bet that a great battle more than made up for it.


Old Coot
Can we tone down the speculations until someone brings in the actual review? :|

And I'll say it again: I TOLD YOU SO!

Heigani didn't evolve. Those of you who assumed it would from the last preview looked too much into the episode like I knew you would. ;)