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From Disliking to Liking?


I'm Back
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Natsu no Maboroshi
Skarmory. I hated it, but now is very important in my team.


Dragonite says "Hi."
I used to completely abhor Gardevoir, but now it is the first thing besides my starter that I put on my Ruby/Emerald teams. Also, I used to dislike Gyarados, but that was because I was hung up on "STAB is everything." To a semi-noob at the intricacies (?sp) of Pokemon, A water type with uber attack power was useless.

Oh, and in the dark times of my life, I used to hate Mawile with a purple passion, if you'll excuse the expression. How on earth can anyone not like Mawile?


I used to dislike flareon because i didn't like the way it looked but now it's my favorite eeveelution


Who can say?
My opinion odf Treecko has been up and down...
Treecko was my least fave R/S starter, when I first saw it's image on Serebii.net compared to the other two (from an anime poster) I thought it looked ugly.
I started to like it once I saw its sprite and artwork, but I began to like it less again when I found out that Sceptile would be pure grass but Blaziken and Swampert would be dual types (not that I dislike pure types but it seemed unbalanced to me as all three were starters, never felt that about Blastoise though).
So therefore I didn't use it until my 3rd play through of Ruby (after using the other two). I begain to like it.
I used one in my current Emerald game and it is the only starter I've raised to lv.100...


Well-Known Member
Ha ha, i've just recreated the liking to disliking thread. Hail the confusion? xD

On topic... *thinks* Manectric. Definitely Manectric. When he first came out I hated him and refused to raise one, but then I raised Xactrixz on my Emerald game and yes, he's not a bad Pokemon at all. Not a favourite, but I do like him now.


oblivion weilder
i used t hate swampert but thenb it kept annoying me in the frontier i decided to train one and it was well good


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Luvdisc for me, I hated the thing when I found out how bad its stats are, but I really like it now that I've read the pokemon manga. (It looks so cute in it. ^_^)

Luvdisc may suck stat wise, but it does have some potential, at least in the contest/coordinating side of things. And it can do an okay job at annoying, with high speed, and the annoyer moves it learns.



Well-Known Member
Mine's not a Pokemon, but, a type. I used to absolutely hate the Normal-type. I would never, ever raise one (outside of a Normal/Flying). There were some I like the look of, but, wouldn't use because, well, Normal-types were so, normal. Odd, isn't it. I started used Kecleon (due to Color Change) and then tried a few others. Now I like to raise them. For some reason I really like using Kangaskhan and Ursaring. Heck, I even raised a Jigglypuff (for a little while, anyway) in Fire Red. Mega Punched everything I could. More Pokemon should have Cute Charm!!


Powerplay Champion
milotic used to be too girly for me...
but mirror coat made me forget it was a cheap mermaid ripoff


<--will be mine
I disliked Golduck strongly...but when I bred one to complement my team...I ended up with it being my favorite water-type that I've ever raised.

I also disliked Regice...but it's grown on me somehow...


Bullet Punch
I was never a Aggron fan, but now, with a supersweep set, It isn't that bad.



I am the game
I now like slaking, i hated him because of the ability but now i like it :)

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
I used to hate Exploud, Banette and Claydol. Now they're 3 of my 6 favourite Pokemon, just because I decided to use them in my team.