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Frontier Pass/Trainer Card...

What do you guys think about this Frontier Pass/Trainer Card?

Should I put it in my up coming shop or not?
~PsyDragon Trainer ;381;


Well-Known Member
The second one looks better. Probably because of the trainer in the first one looks wierd to me. The original template is good too. Not much else I can crit to be honest.


Tastes like chicken!
I like both of them. But I like the second the best, Because I like the boxes more than the circles

Keep up the great work


Bullet Punch
It's good! All these new templates.. The on in your sig is the best one so far though.

i like all of them 10/10 for you

Blazin' Blaziken

Well-Known Member
Wow, these are good! You should put all of these in your shop on Saturday!