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Fruits Basket

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Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
I was somewhat suprised to find that there isn't a Furuba thread here, so I thought I would go ahead and start it. Any Furuba fans out there?


Me! Me!
I love fruits basket, it`s funny and exciting!


I like fruits basket I ghave all 11 volumes Usa. I'm also a member of the fruits basket club.

You should Join If you can find it....

As for the diccusion after seeing the latest vol I makes me wonder how [SPOIL]Tohru will break the curse of the shomas.[/SPOIL]

Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
I love this manga! I've read the first 4 volumes, and I really like them. It's just such a cool idea, with the zodiac and all. I just think it's really interesting.


I love Dara <3
i love fruits basket! alsome anime and manga!

Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
Who does everyone hope Tohru will end up with? Yuki or Kyo? If anyone thinks someone else, I would really like to know, I have a friend who really supports Tohru/Hatsuharu. Along those lines, are there any other couples people like? As of right now, I'm Tohru/Kyo, but I frequently switch between Tohru/Kyo and Tohru/Yuki. When ever I'm Tohru/Yuki I like the idea of Uo/Kyo ^_^


I've seen the anime and I loved how complex the characters are. ^o^ I haven't seen every episode though..

I personally hope that Tohru will end up with Kyo, they just seem like a cuter couple if you ask me.

AWW, I like Kyo for Tohru as well... It's because of how their personalities blend in together! hehe and besides..Yuki is mine. ^_-

Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
One thing that I'm interested in, since I am still thinking about volume 11, [SPOIL]If Akito is god, what hapens if Tohru hugs him?[/SPOIL]

Are there any Yuki/Tohru supporters out there?

Anyone who supports something other than Yuki-or-Kyo/Tohru? Either something like, say Hatsuharu/Tohru or something that doesn't include Tohru?


Omg, That Spolier tag, Is it Really True :eek:
I love Fruits basket
Got the Box Set
Never Read the manga
Getting there
Hmmm I Support
Kyo and Tohru


Marsh Trainer
Edward Elric1 said:
Anyone who supports something other than Yuki-or-Kyo/Tohru? Either something like, say Hatsuharu/Tohru or something that doesn't include Tohru?

I'd love to see Hatsuharu and Kagura togeather...but I doubt that'll happen...(if you ask me they look cute togeather :))


Well-Known Member
Ehhhhhh...Tohru/Yuki is purely fanon now, 'cause [SPOIL]Yuki ends up with someone else, whose name escapes me at the moment.[/SPOIL] Doesn't stop me from supporting it though! >=3

Is it just me, or do you see something in Hatsuharu/Kisa? o0; I'm weird that way... (Don't get me wrong, I think Hiro/Kisa is cute too. =3)

I personally hope that Kagura gets Kyo...^^; Tohru/Kyo is cute in its own way...but the reason why I support Tohru/Yuki is because Kyo has Kagura...=3

Oh and [SPOIL]Akito's a girl.[/SPOIL] =3

;157;- Kyoto-chan -;172;
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Me! Me! Me! I love Fruits Basket! Both the anime and the manga...They rock!!!! ^^
I support Tohru x Kyo and Tohru x Yuki....They are cute...:D

Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
I can see why you would see Hatsuharu/Kisa, I think he likes her alot, but in more of an older brotherly way.

My big thing is that I support Tohru/Kyo, but I really hope that who ever Yuki is with, She's someone that he likes and is happy with. I like Yuki more than I like Kyo, but I think Kyo is better with Tohru.

The spoiler in my last post is indeed true, unless Akito was lieing in vol 11, [SPOIL]And if Akito's a girl (whitch I was unaware of, maybe they havn't said it in US or I just missed it) if we are going to find out if she does change at all, let alone, into what. I figured if she was a guy, then Tohru would hug her for sure, and we would find out, but now, I wonder if it'll happen. All the same, if it does, I am curious about what it is.[/SPOIL]


Well-Known Member
Edward Elric1 said:
I can see why you would see Hatsuharu/Kisa, I think he likes her alot, but in more of an older brotherly way.

My big thing is that I support Tohru/Kyo, but I really hope that who ever Yuki is with, She's someone that he likes and is happy with. I like Yuki more than I like Kyo, but I think Kyo is better with Tohru.

The spoiler in my last post is indeed true, unless Akito was lieing in vol 11, [SPOIL]And if Akito's a girl (whitch I was unaware of, maybe they havn't said it in US or I just missed it) if we are going to find out if she does change at all, let alone, into what. I figured if she was a guy, then Tohru would hug her for sure, and we would find out, but now, I wonder if it'll happen. All the same, if it does, I am curious about what it is.[/SPOIL]
It's also possible that Akito is able to [SPOIL]change genders since she's the assumed God of the Jyunnishi[/SPOIL] and yeah...^^; And no, They haven't said it in the US yet.

;157;- Kyoto-chan -;172;

Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
I guess that they might just have it so that [SPOIL]Akito doesn't have a different form showing what God looks like. The changing genders idea is interesting Kyoto-Chan, I wonder how we would find out, that would be strange...[/SPOIL] I cant wait untill more comes out so we can find out.


I'm confused about that to. I only have 7 and 9 of the magna but I've heard of that "rumor" from a fruits basket site.


Well-Known Member
Edward Elric1 said:
I guess that they might just have it so that [SPOIL]Akito doesn't have a different form showing what God looks like. The changing genders idea is interesting Kyoto-Chan, I wonder how we would find out, that would be strange...[/SPOIL] I cant wait untill more comes out so we can find out.
Well, don't give me all the credit for that idea. Got it from some of the Furuba fans at Eternal Snow. -too lazy to give a link, so go look up Nana's siggy-

-rocks in chair- I need Furuba stuff! X_x;; I'm a dying fangirl...

;157;- Kyoto-chan -;172;
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