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FT: Aprimon, HA, 5IV, Gigantamax - LF: Flame Orb & 5IV HA


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a Flame Orb and other competitive items. I am also looking for any Pokemon I dont have.

Here is a list of everything I have to trade. I can breed any 5IV on this list.

-Gothita, HA, Moon ball, Bold, Egg moves: Heal Pulse
-Cottonee, HA, Moon ball, Timid, Egg moves: Switcheroo
-Drillbur, HA, Level ball, Jolly
-G-Farfetch'd, HA, Level ball, Brave, Egg moves: Feint
-Cufant, HA, Heavy ball,
-Riolu, HA, Beast ball, Jolly, Egg moves: Feint
-Milcery (JAP), HA, Love ball, Modest
-Eeevee, HA, Dream ball, Calm, Egg moves: Wish, Yawn, Curse
-Mareanie, HA, Dream ball, Brave, Egg moves: Haze
-Magikarp, HA, Lure Ball
-Vulpix, HA, Love ball
-Sableye, HA, Beast Ball, Egg move: Recover
-Feebas, Moon Ball, Egg move: Haze

-Spritzee, HA, Pokeball, Bold, Egg moves: After you, Wish
-Rookidee, HA, Duskball, Careful, Egg moves: Defog, Roost, Sky Attack
-Hatenna, HA, Repeatball, Sassy, Egg moves: Nuzzle
-Blipbug, HA, Repeatball, Adamant, Egg moves: Recover
-Pumpkaboo, HA, Repeatball

-Dewpider, Water Bubble, Premier ball, Adamant, Egg moves: Stockpile, Spit up, Sticky Web
-Magikarp, Intimidate, Premier ball, Jolly
-Togedemaru, Lightning Rod, Premier ball, Careful, Egg moves: Fake out
-Cutiefly, Shield Dust, Pokeball, Timid, Egg moves: Sticky web, Aromatic Mist, Moonblast
-Shellos, Storm Drain, Pokeball, Bold, Egg moves: Stockpile, Swallow, Clear Smog
-Goomy, Sap Sipper, Pokeball, Modest
-Timbur, Guts, Pokeball, Adamant, Egg moves: Defog, Mach Punch, Power-up Punch, Counter
-Weavile, Inner Focus, Ultraball, Jolly, Egg moves: Fake out, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard

-Ditto, Naughty, 5iv(-att)

-Lapras, Gigantamax, 5iv Flawed - x3

Please let me know if anything interests you.
Thank you,
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Is this thread still active? I am looking for a Scrappy Farfetch'd. I don't have Pokémon in an Apri ball, but I can equip any pokemon trade with a Dream Ball. How is that?

I am online btw.


Well-Known Member
I would be willing to make that trade.

Do you mind waiting till I get home from work? (In 9 hours) I will send you a pm when I am available!


Well-Known Member
Hi! I'm interested in your Moon Ball HA Gothita, would you be interested in a Love Ball HA Swirlix or a Heavy Ball HA Arrokuda for one?


Pokemon Shield

I can offer you...
- Applin, HA, Friend ball
- Applin, HA, Beast ball
- Arrokuda, HA, Heavy ball
- Charmander, HA, Beast ball
- Dreepy, HA, Moon ball
- Drilbur, HA, Beast ball
- Farfetch'd, HA, Level ball

And I am interested in your...

-Cottonee, HA, Moon ball, Timid, Egg moves: Switcheroo
-Hatenna, HA, Repeatball, Sassy, Egg moves: Nuzzle

Is your Feebas HA as well? If so, I'd like to include that.



Well-Known Member

I can offer you...
- Applin, HA, Friend ball
- Applin, HA, Beast ball
- Arrokuda, HA, Heavy ball
- Charmander, HA, Beast ball
- Dreepy, HA, Moon ball
- Drilbur, HA, Beast ball
- Farfetch'd, HA, Level ball

And I am interested in your...

-Cottonee, HA, Moon ball, Timid, Egg moves: Switcheroo
-Hatenna, HA, Repeatball, Sassy, Egg moves: Nuzzle

Is your Feebas HA as well? If so, I'd like to include that.


I would be interested in your friend ball applin and moon ball dreepy.

Feebas is not HA. I would be interested in baraskewda if there is something else you like though.

I can message you in ~4 hours when I am ready to trade!