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Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
(aka For the Win or For the Lose)

Sup Forums! I decided to start a new forum game. It's pretty simple.


The person above you will post a Pokemon. Declare it ftw if it's good or ftl if it's bad and say why. For example:

Bob: Raichu?

Joe: FTW! Good stable electric type, speedy and crunch is great!

Do not Chime in....like so:

Bob: Raichu?

Joe: FTW! Good stable electric type, speedy and crunch is great!

Fred: lolz yeah i like it too,

Bill: So do I.

Al: Nah, it kinda sucks.

Joe: DOES NOT!!!

*insert flamewar here*

You may also use Icons (like ;026; )

Since There is no one above me, I'll just post a pokemon to get things started.


shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
FTW, nice design.


This is kinda similar to my game, but ayway.


The Compromise
FTL. It keeps on poisoning my pokemon. ;_;


Prime Wolf

I got a Wii!
FTL, That damn rabbit always paralyses me XD


Prime Wolf

I got a Wii!
FTW! It sucks, but it looks abit like a Mr Whippee ice cream :p



Local Dragonmaster
FTW, it has weird hair...


EDIT: Beaten... Swampert FTW, it can be pretty strong past Lv. 50 (like mine)


I'm baaaaaack
No you didn't. You edited it. It was
You said:
Ftl A gigantic really powerful monster, and it is a fish? No.

But this time, ftl. A glitch. Pointless.
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