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Beginning Trainer

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
great job.


Well-Known Member
like it...... you should make more


<<The Best
awesome definetly make more


~her last bounty~
we have a thief doormat has stolen this sprite report him


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it isnt the other way round? Doormats post was made at 2:50 something PM yesterday and this thread was made 9:32 PM yesterday. The 7 hour time lapse points towards Savi stealing from Doormt.


Actually, it couldn't have been. Doormat's sheet is saved in such a way that his pixels have become blurry and many different shades have been added to his sprites. This sprite is near perfect (apart from the fact it's a copy and paste job) with the spirtes used still intact.

So I win. :D