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Full Ribbon List


Well-Known Member
Is there a full list of all the ribbons you can obtain? Besides the contest ones, the Artist one, the E4 one and the 'Shadow' one, oh, and the EV one I don't know of any others. But there's a large gap between the 'shadow' one and the rest...


Tournament runner up, and winner ones I believe.


Shadow Amongst Light
If I remember correctly there aren't any others that are legally obtainable. Kinda like the Regi Dolls..... they're there but no way to get em.


The new tuxedo look!
I have no idea..I think you can get one in the ru/sa battle tower somehow though..
What about the ribbon for clearing all difficulties in XD and the Mt.Battle one


<-- Solves any case!
You have some tournement ones. Battle tower 50 and 100 streak, the contest ones + art one. E4, purifying and mount battle 100 streak.

You can find it on the main site if you want further details.