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Fullmetal Alchemist Game by BlueBird's Illusion

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Well-Known Member
>_>;; I. Want. This. Freakkin'. Game.

Anyhow, anyone else ever heard of it? =P

It's not an official FMA game considering it's fan-made, but it looks pretty cool. =3 Check it out!

Anyways, I felt like starting a topic on this since I'm a bit curious about it. =K


Well-Known Member
Butchimatic said:
Is that illegal?
Actually, I'm not sure. ^^;; I don't own it.

I just heard of it. =D

But there ARE a limited amount of this game since they stopped producing the game for the respect of the copyrighters of something like that. *shrugs* I don't really remember. -_-


Copyrighting laws are so annoying.

Like in the English version of We Love Katamari, The co-op mode sucked, thanks to the copyright infrigment laws.


Old Coot
It's about as illegal as all the hentai doujin that are made.

Not at all. :s
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