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Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Discussion

  • Thread starter Invisionary Bloo
  • Start date

Invisionary Bloo

The only thread I've seen on the subject is the one entitled 'FMA out today' and since that's not a general discussion thread, I thought I'd create one.

Expect plenty of spoilers if this thread becomes popular

I much prefer the manga to the anime. I've read up to Chapter 40, and loved each and every chapter. My favourite character is Barry the Chopper, as he has a much bigger role in the manga than in the anime. I also like many of the Homunculus a lot more in the manga than in the anime, especially Lust and Wrath.

I like nearly everything about it. The plot, the plot twists, the drawing style, the characters themselves. Everything about it oozes sheer brilliance. It still has me guessing, as to who Pride is (as he/she is the only one that hasn't been revealed out of the Homunculus) and if the ending will be anything like that of the anime, which I hope not.

Anyways, enough of my ranting. What does everyone else think of the FMA Manga?


I surely prefer it over the anime. Episode 9 and 26 for example, have little hilarty compared to the manga chapters. I'd say because of how humor is dislpayed, I like the manga so much. The anime really gives alot suspense and it sorta gets tiring.
same here. I like the manga better. Why? one is they have such more hidlarious characters like Ling. and some of the characters that are in the anime are funnier in the manga like Barry the Chopper or even Ed Elrics! also the Homocules for sloth, wrath and pride are different to the anime.so much stuff! I just finish the lastest chapter 46.


same here. I like the manga better. Why? one is they have such more hidlarious characters like Ling. and some of the characters that are in the anime are funnier in the manga like Barry the Chopper or even Ed Elrics! also the Homocules for sloth, wrath and pride are different to the anime.so much stuff! I just finish the lastest chapter 46.

Where? PM me if you'll give it to me.


He's up to 46. Unless he reads from Japan, I think that he's reads fanscaltions.
Riaf said:
He's up to 46. Unless he reads from Japan, I think that he's reads fanscaltions.
Yea i did read fanscanlations! lol. man you will be amaze what happens. ok i'll give you the link on pm.


Yeah, it's kickass! I don't feel like spoiling so I'll just say that Scar's face is drawn weird a few times.


So the official manga is not yet out in its entirety? How many volumes are there in all? I've been watching the series and I must say I am hooked, and consequently also interested in reading the complete manga.


I think there's 11 or 18 volumes and three chapters that aren't in the manga yet.
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When I first read the translated on the net a couple of months ago, I got really confused when they switched Wrath and Pride.

There's 11 right now. They're up to chapta 46 and 47 should be out in a week and a half or so.

I have the japanese ones of 1,2,3,7,8,and10.

Ed is so hot...


Old Coot
Only the first volume of the manga is out in the US. Japan's currently at volume 11. The second volume comes out in the US in July.


Well-Known Member
Edward Elric said:
Only the first volume of the manga is out in the US. Japan's currently at volume 11. The second volume comes out in the US in July.
Bleh and I only have that very first one :(
I've known about it and seen EE around the place making me want to read a scan even more >_< It just doesnt feel right to me, I prefer to buy them and have them in a book form. And if I'd read the scans I'd feel stupid spending money on them again, plus my japanese sucks pretty bad so I didn't want to buy them either

Alchemy rules :cool:

Invisionary Bloo

That Scary Clefairy - Could you please link the place or PM me the link where you've read up to Chap 46, as the site I read off of still only has up to Chap 40. I really want to know what happens.


I just got the manga today, I like it a lot.
Though I'm not sure what I like better: the anime or manga ^_^;


The Queen
I started reading Fullmetal Alchemist in the book store because I just couldn't wait anymore! XP It's so good! I love the things Ed says about their religion and stuff, it was so cool. The only thing I wish they would have done was start off by telling what happened to them instead of starting in the middle of the journey. I've only seen bits and pieces of the anime, so I'm sticking to the manga. It's good all around.


Old Coot
I don't see why so many people complain about where both the manga and anime start. Honestly, if they started off the story from when they were kids, it wouldn't catch your interest like the events in Liore did. o_O


But I started in episode 3. XD But after reading the manga, it was pretty cool with the Philospher's Stone and whatnot.