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Funny things on the net

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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror

Things you didn't make yourself, just happen to find amusing. Lets see if we can clean this forum up and put it to it's original purpose. A place to show off your own Multimedia.

So, flash movies, animations, films, whatever you find and want to just show and say "lol" at, post here.


Meteor Trainer
This series is probably one of the best ever, and one of the most factual ones I've ever seen: Decline of video gaming. They've got up to 2 so far, and a Christmas special (note that the current number 3 on Newgrounds is fake).



If u want to see people gettin hurt then go to stupidvideos.com
Shiningclefairy I agree, I saw decline when it was origionally put up on Newgrounds.com and have to say it rocks socks and is worth a viewing even if your not a gaming fan.

Anyway... a good flash movie...

Madness 5

A warning, this film has excessive violence and should not be viewed by an audience under the age of 15. If the mods find it too be inapropriate I understand completely. That is a warning to all of you who go to click this link.

OMGZROFLMAO!!! I love it!!!


Unleash your Phantom


Belgian Waffles!!!
hammy ham ham's is funny!!
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