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Future Leaf Green Quasi Team

Shiny Magcargo

Well-Known Member
I'm only in Viridian forest but here's what I'm planning:

This isn't really a team per say but only a list of pokemon I like in Leaf Green that I'm going to take the time to EV train.

105 Marowak @ Thick Club
Ability: Lightningrod [All electric attacks hit this Pokemon]
Nature Adamant: +Attack - Special Attack
EV's: 252 Att, 129 Def, 129 Sp Def

Rock Slide
Swords Dance
Brick Break

121 Starmie @ (What's a useful ingame item?)
Ability: Natural Cure [Cures all status conditions when switched]
Nature: Timid +Speed -Attack
EV's: 252 Spd, 252 Sp Att, 6 HP

Ice Beam

(Saving the Thunderbolt TM for Jolteon)

135 Joltoen @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb - Jolteon is healed by up to 25% of Max HP when hit by Electric Attacks.
Nature: Timid or Modest +Speed -Attack / +Special Attack -Attack
EV's: 252 Spd, 129 Def, 129 Sp Def

(EV's in defense to survive so I can baton pass agility to marowak without fainting)

Baton Pass
Hidden Power Ice

(How many eevee breedings do you think I will have to do before I get hidden power ice and timid or modest nature?)

200 Misdreavus / Muumajii @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate[Immune to ground attacks]
Nature: Bold +Defense - Attack
EV's 252 HP, 252 Def, 6 Sp Def

(I'm training her to be imported into Diamond to be evolved into Muumajii
so I don't need to but as many EV's into Special Defense but if I can paton pass the charm and mean look to her maybe I should change this, see next pokemon.)

Mean Look
Perish Song
Pain Split

or Do you think I could baton pass the mean look from umbreon and put in Confuse Ray for Mean Look?

Can I even get Umbreon in Leaf Green?

197 Umbreon @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize - If inflicted with Poison, Paralysis or Burn, the Opponent is also inflicted with this Condition
Nature: Bold +Defense - Attack
EV's: 252 HP, 252 Defense, 6 Special Defense

Baton Pass
Mean Look

Also What's a good Alakazam moveset that doesn't involve an element punch now that they run off attack not special attack in diamond / pearl?


Not sure about any EV's, sorry.

Marowak needs Double-edge over Brick Break and Rock Head as ability.

Shell Bell is good for Starmie, if you have access to R/S/E and can't get Leftovers; otherwise go with something like Brightpowder, haxxy as it may be. Also, Starmie kind of needs Thunderbolt...you can breed it onto a Staryu by having the male Pokemon know it.

You'll be breeding for a while if you want the ideal conditions you stated...I'm not sure how many exactly though. I'm guessing around 500 hatchings, give or take a few dozen. Just go with Wish if you can't get HP Ice with a good power.

Yes, you can indeed pass the Mean Look to Misdreavus, letting you put Confuse Ray which is better anyways. I'd also add in Shadow Ball over Protect, seeing as how this will be in D/P and Shadow Ball becomes special. Otherwise Protect is fine.

Erm, you can't get Umbreon in LeafGreen per se...you have to have R/S/E since Eevee's evolution into Umbreon depends on time, which is only kept in R/S/E. Pretty decent set, near-average ChaosBreon...though it works better with Celebi.

Here's one:

Alakazam @ Leftovers
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
Trait: Synchronize
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Focus Bomb
- Shadow Ball/Recover


Those EVs are pretty yucky.

Jolteon: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
Substitute over HP Ice. Jolteons with Agility shouldn't be using Hidden Power.

Marowak: 12 HP / 252 Atk / 244 Spd
Assuming 31 IV in Spd, that should outspeed 372ers after one Agility.

Starmie: You realize you can buy infinite Thunderbolt TMs right? Also, Iso, Starmie is genderless, so it can only breed with Ditto.

Umbreon: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SDef

Alakazam @ Adherance Glasses
Timid Nature
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
- Psychic
- Focus Bomb
- Shadow Ball
- Trick

Kills stuff, screws physical attackers, still kills stuff.


Shiny Magcargo

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I really like the second Alakazam moveset. I'm going to EV train a Kadabra up in Emerald with that moveset - focus bomb and evolve him into Alakazam once I can wifi trade in Diamond. EV changes have been noted. I will put double edge on Marowak.

If I get stuck using Jolteon against a Dugtrio per se can I baton pass out of the arena trap / mean look?

Also, which move should I replace for thunderbolt on Starmie. I thought it might be redundant since I would be using Jolteon, Marowak and Starmie in tandem.

I do have access to Emerald and Sapphire but no way to trade between games because I only have one GBA, unless there is a way to connect a GBA to a DS. All these pokemon are going to be imported, I'm just going to use them to complete all the battles in their respective games first.


If I get stuck using Jolteon against a Dugtrio per se can I baton pass out of the arena trap / mean look?

Also, which move should I replace for thunderbolt on Starmie.