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G/S/C Help Thread

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Orange Champion
XRay said:
Yes there is, but only if you are playing crystal. Some people you talk after battle offer their number to chat, but some of them give you the stones:
Gina picnicker-route 34-leaf stone;
Alan schoolboy-route 36-fire stone;
Dana lass-route 38-thunder stone;
Wilton fisher-route 44-water stone;
Of course they won't give you a stone each time: sometimes they want to battle, to chat...
As for the sun stone you probably know you can get it by gaining the first place at the bug catching contest in Goldenrod. The moon stone can be obtained on monday nights outside of Mt.moon.
Is there any way to know when the will actually give you the stones or is it just random?
Edit: nevermind, i got it
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I dropped my balls
I have a question: The move tutor that's available after you got all 16 badges( in Crystal), can it only learn a pokemon the move once or can he do it mutiple times?


---what I'm getting
Absol Trainer said:
I have a question: The move tutor that's available after you got all 16 badges( in Crystal), can it only learn a pokemon the move once or can he do it mutiple times?

As long as you pay the 4000 coins you can teach any move as many times as you want(but only one move a day).
P.S. I know that the main site says he's in goldenrod on wednsdays and saturdays after collecting all 16 badges and beating Red but I'm am pretty sure that he already appears after beating the elite4.

+Chaos Blade+

Yes, you need to defeat the Elite 4 before you can see him. But keep in mind that it is only in Crystal. He'll ask for you to pick the move, and when you pay up, you're done until the next day.


Pokemon Communist
Ohtachi said:
Does anyone know how to get your Trainer's alternate costume in Crystal?
Like have the Boy's costume changed to blue instead of red and the girl's costume changed to red instead of blue. :(

To get a red boy: Start game, choose boy and done.
To get a blue boy: Start game, choose girl, play a little and save, it says: saving don't turn off the power.' Turn your gameboy off in a second, start new game and choose boy, he will be blue for sure.
To get a red girl: Do the same as above but in place of boy, put girl, in place of girl, put boy and you have the red girl.
To get a blue girl: Do I really need to tell you this one?


Why so serious?
I have one question. Do EV's and anything that apply with it exist in G/S/C? And, is it similar to the 3rd generation games? The thought occured to me when it was mentioned in the Pokemon Crystal board on GameFAQs (well, I could've sworn I saw it). Someone said it did exist in these games, but didn't really describe it. So basically, can someone answer my question?

P.S. I didn't see the help thread when I asked this question in the recent happenings thread when posting a recent happening.

Dragon trainer

Arise from the Ashes
How do get the EV's to match the required hidden power? i.e HP ice to jolteon!

i have not used these before this is why im asking


Staff member
Dragon trainer said:
How do get the EV's to match the required hidden power? i.e HP ice to jolteon!

i have not used these before this is why im asking
You need to get the right IV's, not EV's. IV's are determined right when you catch a Pokemon, or get its egg, and they're random for wild Pokemon. For hatched Pokemon, they inherit 3 random IV's from the parents, and the others are chosen randomly, iirc. Use and IV calculator to find your Pokemon's IV's, and some will tell you the Hidden Power type, too.

Dragon trainer

Arise from the Ashes
where is there a good IV calculator


<- Me Like A Lot!
Can someone please tell me all the different shiny odds for silver. I know wild poemon are 1 in 65000 or something like that but can someone tell me the odds for eggs with shiny parents, starters etc and the odd egg in crystal, plus any others there may be? Thanks in advance


<- Me Like A Lot!
If the baby has a shiny parent, it WILL be shiny. Other than that, I'm not sure.

Thanks but i dont think it is because i bred using shiny Gyarados and i didnt get shinies. However, if i am wrong forgive me.


Staff member
SuperGlalie said:
If the baby has a shiny parent, it WILL be shiny. Other than that, I'm not sure.

Thanks but i dont think it is because i bred using shiny Gyarados and i didnt get shinies. However, if i am wrong forgive me.
It isn't always shiny if the parent is. In GSC, if the parent is shiny, the baby has a 1/64 chance of being shiny, which is a lot bigger then normal.


<- Me Like A Lot!
So does it work with the Gyarados? Also is it true there are different odds of getting a shiny starter?


Staff member
SuperGlalie said:
So does it work with the Gyarados? Also is it true there are different odds of getting a shiny starter?
Yes, it does work with Gyarados. I've never heard of there being different chances for a starter, so probably not.
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