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G/S/C Help Thread

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Staff member
Super Mod
I just tested the Shiny Pokemon Egg on Crystal and RNG_Reporter is right on U.S. versions it is only 14% chance of being shiny while in Japanese versions it has a 50% chance of being shiny. It took me only two tries though and I got a shiny Pichu that knows Dizzy Punch from that egg and I'm happy.

All Pokemon from the Odd Egg will know Dizzy Punch.


Also I see above about certain Pokemon appearing in certain routes and trees. Where will Heracross appear? I have searched for AGES on the route east of Azalea Town and found only Spearow and Aipom.

I found two Heracrosses IN Azalea Town, I had no luck in other places. It was on Crystal, so if your game is the same, perhaps you could searching for them there :)

Seth pkmn

Well-Known Member
I need help, My Eevee won't evolve!
I'm at the E4 right now, So I can't just wait it out. I'm kinda getting impatient.
it really trusts me, and its night time. It wont evolve!


Staff member
Super Mod
I need help, My Eevee won't evolve!
I'm at the E4 right now, So I can't just wait it out. I'm kinda getting impatient.
it really trusts me, and its night time. It wont evolve!

It doesn't like you enough yet. Keep giving it haircuts, don't let it get hurt, keep it in the front of your party and train it.

Seth pkmn

Well-Known Member
It doesn't like you enough yet. Keep giving it haircuts, don't let it get hurt, keep it in the front of your party and train it.
Thanks, I guess T~T
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