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G/S to D/P Re-Vamps

I've made some re-vamps from G/S to D/P, I want a rate from 1 to 10 please.
Here they are:


And Ho-oh:

Oh, right, lol. A Bagon in my TC too.
~PDT ;381; ;373;

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
I'd have to rate them overall a 6/10
The black outlines ruin it a little.
Plus Typholsion's flame doesn't look right. Good job though I'll be watching you.


Pokemon Shaman
The outlines have too much black in them. Also, D/P sprites are bigger than G/S/C.


Staff member
Rating on a scale of 1-10 won't help you.

You must shade your outines. Right now, you left them all black or mono-color, and that ruins the sprites. Look at the DP sprite to get an idea of how to outline shade.

You also need to create your own shading. I suggest getting rid of all the shading that's there since it's pretty bad, and re-draw shading using the DP sprite as reference.


Well-Known Member
The 'revamps' are mostly just recoloured, and here and there you added a little dark shading. They don't hav enough shading in certain parts. The outline is still completely dark.
Typhlosion has shading on parts where he doesn't need shading, and on places he does need shading, there isn't any shading...
I think you're on the good way, but you need lots of improvement.


Oh noes, toast =O
The 'revamps' are mostly just recoloured, and here and there you added a little dark shading. They don't hav enough shading in certain parts. The outline is still completely dark.
Typhlosion has shading on parts where he doesn't need shading, and on places he does need shading, there isn't any shading...
I think you're on the good way, but you need lots of improvement.


There's also the fact that the sprites aren;t big enough to be D/P nor are they shaded like the D/P sprites.


The outlines are too dark and the shading itself isn't great. Typhlosion's fire and Scyther's scythes need work.

EDT: Nevermind the scythes comment, didn't realise these were to D/P.


Advanced Spriter
Sorry, but they are basically recolors. You have to change the shades so they look like the advanced generations. Use the newer sprites as references.

Also, the outline is just black. You have to add color to it, or it barely looks 3-D. The outline is everything.

Though, they are OK recolors. Keep trying!


They look good.. ignore most of the posts about the black outline.. The outline on the D/P sprites are darker than 3rd gen.. the only thing I can note on is that larger pokemon (ex. ho-oh) got extended to the full 80x80 size that ds sprites use.. I'm pretty sure typhlosion is bigger aswell..

nice work..
The 'revamps' are mostly just recoloured, and here and there you added a little dark shading. They don't hav enough shading in certain parts. The outline is still completely dark.
Typhlosion has shading on parts where he doesn't need shading, and on places he does need shading, there isn't any shading...
I think you're on the good way, but you need lots of improvement.
thats the general idea of a revamp- i like em-i couldn't do this so ill give 8/10